Flow Cytometer Analyzer - Moxi GO II?

The Moxi GO II? from Orflo Technologies (a subsidiary of Gemini BioProducts, LLC) is a benchtop flow cytometer analyzer that utilizes a disposable thin-film cassette and a combination of a 488 nm laser, two photomultiplier tubes (525/45 nm filter with either a 561nm LP filter or 646nm/LP filter, user-swappable), Coulter Principle-based cell measurements, and on-board software to provide easy-to- run applications and data analysis.?

Moxi GO II

The instrument relies on disposable cassettes for sample handling, which alleviates the need for flow cell cleaning and fluidics maintenance. The instrument is small enough to be portable between the lab bench and the hood. A touchscreen interface and simplified GUI allows for ease of operation without extensive training.

Manufacturer:? Orflow Technologies? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Model #:??MXG 102
Year of Manufacture:
Year Acquired:
Location:?Rudman Hall 279


System Performance

  • Detection parameters:? 5 (2-color fluorescence, cell count, cell size, forward extinction)
  • Excitation Laser Wavelength:? 488 nm
  • Number of PMTs:? 2
  • Optical Detection Range:? PMT1: 525/45 nm (e.g FITC, GFP, Alexa 488); PMT2: User-swappable, either 561 nm LP (e.g PE) or 646nm/LP (PI, avoids need for compensation)
  • Particle count/size detection:? Impedimetric (Coulter Principle)
  • Display:? 480 x 800 pixels; color touchscreen
  • Resolution:? 1000 histogram bins
  • Data Storage:? 4 Gb
  • Connectivity:? USB-on-the-go
  • Data Output:? On-system data analysis with exceptional export of BMP files and FCS compatible raw data files (FCS 3.1, compatible with FlowJo and other offline software analysis platforms)

Cassette Performance

  • Compatible sample types:? Cells (Adherent & Non-adherent primary cells or cell lines) and Beads
  • Number of tests per cassette:? 2
  • Sample volume required:? 60 μl minimum
  • Particle/cell size range
    • Type S+ cassette: 3-27μm diameter (14 – 10,306 fL volume)
    • MF-M cassette: 4-35μm diameter (14 – 22,449 fL volume)
  • Concentration range
    • Type S+ cassette
      Counts:? 1 x 104 – 1.75 x 106cells/ml
      Optimal fluorescence:? < 5 x 105 cells/ml
    • Type S+ cassette
      Counts:? 1 x 104 – 1.75 x 106cells/ml
      Optimal fluorescence:? < 5 x 105 cells/ml
  • Measurement Time:? ~ 5-10 seconds

Principle Scientist:??Don Wojchowski


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Contact Information

Don Wojchowski
Rudman Hall 279
Durham, NH 03824



UNH Rate:
$45.00/hour assisted

$5.00/hour unassisted

Non UNH academic Rate:
$100/hour assisted

$50/hour unassisted

Industry Rate:
$100/hour assisted

$50/hour unassisted