The Sony SH800Z Sorting Flow Cytometer is a compact, easy to use instrument that performs both cell counting and two-way cell sorting. The integrated laser engine houses 4 lasers, providing excitation lines of 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 638 nm. These lasers are combined and delivered through a single fiber while 6 freeform PMTs allow for the detection of fluorescence signals from any laser based on filter selection.
Manufacturer:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Sony
Model No.:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??SH-800Z
Year of manufacture:??2016
Year acquired:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??2016
Location:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Parsons Room W118
- Optics
- Excitation Lasers: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 638nm
- Output Power: 30mW (max.) optical fiber output
- Beam Alignment:? Collinear optical system
- Detection Parameters: 6 Fluorescent + 2 Scatter
- Pulse Measurement:? Height, area, width
- Fluidics
- Single, auto-loading tube
- Sample Tube Types:? 0.5ml, 1.5ml, 5 ml, 15 ml tubes
- Sort Streams: 2
- Sort Collection Devices:? 2-way tube (5ml, 15ml), multiwell plates, PCR tubes, slides
- Temperature Control:? Pre-sort -- 5 °C, 37 °C, Post-sort -- 5 °C
- Nozzle Sizes: 70, 100, 130 ?m
- Performance
- Event Rate: 100,000 events per second max
- Sorting Speed:? Using the 70 ?m sorting chip at 50kHz, an average threshold of 12,000 events per second can be achieved with >95% purity and >80% yield.? The threshold rate up to 30,000 events per second can be achieved without affecting purity but with a decrease in yield based on Poisson's statistics.? Using 100 ?m or 130 ?m sorting chips, maximum sorting speed is 10,000 events per second.
- Index Sorting: Yes
- Scatter Resolution: 0.5 ?m
- Fluorescense Sensitivity: FITC 120 MESF, PE 110 MESF
Principal?scientist: Mark Townley
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The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction?and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.
- UIC: Online Instrument Reservation
- UIC: Flow Cytometer FAQs
- UIC: Training Form
- UIC: Sample Submission Form
- March 21, 2023: Flow Cytometer Workshop Materials
Contact Information
W123 Parsons Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-2790
UNH Rate:?
$59.00/hour? assisted
$11.00/hour? unassisted
Non UNH academic Rate:?
$118.00/hour? assisted
? $22.00/hour? unassisted
Industry Rate:
$150.00/hour? assisted
$100.00/hour? unassisted