
Resource Category Topic
Creating Course Syllabi for Fall 2020 and Beyond (Victor Benassi)
Presentation materials on creating course syllabi for fall 2020 and beyond.
Course Design Syllabus Design
Reduce Mind Wandering and Increase Student Engagement in Your Course with Empirically Demonstrated Strategies that Promote Learning (Catherine Overson)
Presentation materials on reducing mind wandering (Summer 2020).
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Design Your Slides with Cognitively Supported Multimedia Principles (Catherine Overson)
Presentation materials on designing slides with supportive multi-media principles.
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Engaging Students Remotely (Xuan Cai)
Presentation materials available on engaging students remotely.
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality HyFlex (Concurrent)
The Student Cognition Toolbox: Promote Student Success by Empowering Them to Become Self-Regulated Learners in Any Course Delivery Platform (Catherine Overson, Victor Benassi)
Presentation materials on empowering student learners on any delivery platform (Summer 2020).
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Student Response to the Online Transition (Kathleen Jeffery, Chris Bauer)
Presentation materials regarding the student response to the online transition (Spring 2020)
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Online Courses
Remote Learning and the Student 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 (Catherine Overson, Kathleen Jeffery)
Presentation materials available on the topic of developing an assessment plan for your online/blended courses
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Online Courses
New Perspectives on Inclusive Teaching (Scott Kimball,?Kenneth Mitchell,?April Rau)
Presentation materials available at: /cetl/talk-about-teaching-presentations-summer-2020 (Scroll to find presentation)
Learning Environment Inclusive Teaching
Teaching Remote Labs (Lauren Kordonowy, Jennifer Calawa)
Presentation materials available at: /cetl/talk-about-teaching-presentations-summer-2020.
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Online Labs, STEM Courses
Designing Accessible Online Course Materials (Maureen Bourbeau, Frances Keefe)
Presentation on designing accessible course materials (Summer 2020).
Learning Environment Accessibility
Introduction to the Online Library (Kathrine Aydelott)
Presentation materials available at: /cetl/talk-about-teaching-presentations-summer-2020 (Scroll to find presentation)
Learning Resources Library Resources
Pivot Your Face-to-Face Course to Remote Teaching (Catherine Overson)
Presentation materials available on the topic of pivoting your face-to-face course to remote teaching
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching and Learning Strategies HyFlex (Concurrent), Online Courses, Teaching Modalities
Applying the Science of Learning across the Biological Sciences Curriculum
Victor Benassi and Catherine Overson, Conference at the Interface of Discipline-Based Education Research in STEM and Psychological Science,?Davis…
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Online Labs, STEM Courses
CEITL Talk about Teaching Presentations and session resources
Presentations on a range of topics
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Collaborative Learning, Feedback, Large Enrollment Classes, Library Resources, Online Courses
CEITL Talk about Teaching Presentations and session resources
Presentations on a range of topics.
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Teaching and Learning Strategies Accessibility, Active Learning, Canvas (MyCourses), Classroom/Learning Assessment, Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Library Resources, Online Labs, Open Educational Resources (OER)
CEITL Academic Programs on College Teaching
A University-wide program coordinated by the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School and involving the Center for Excellence?and Innovation in…
Type: Website
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Team-Based Learning Collaborative
The Team-Based Learning Collaborative is an organization of educators from around the world who encourage and support the use of Team-Based Learning…
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
Creation of Exercises for Team-Based Learning in Business (Timmerman, J.E. and and Morris, R.F., Jr.)
This paper reviews the concept of team-based learning as related to business, discusses the need for help in designing effective exercises, and…
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Collaborative Learning
Distance-Learning Tips for Gallatin Arts Workshops: Getting Started (New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study)
Tips provided by the New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Studio and Performance (Online)
Teaching Theatre in the Era Of Covid-19: Reach Out and Help Someone (Aladren, Maria)
A collaborative document originally created by Maria Aldren (Stage Director and Academic Specialist – Theatre, Union County College)
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Studio and Performance (Online)