Large Enrollment Classes

Resource Category Topic
Tools for Teaching?(2nd ed.). (Davis, B.G.)
Chapters include: Responding to a changing student body, discussion strategies, the large-enrollment course, alternatives and supplements to lectures…
Type: Book
Teaching and Learning Strategies Collaborative Learning, Discussion, Grading, Large Enrollment Classes
iClicker: List of all Clicker articles for Faculty and Students
This article provides links to all iClicker?articles in the KB for faculty and students.
Teaching and Learning Strategies, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Classroom/Learning Assessment, Face-to-Face, Large Enrollment Classes, Student Response Systems
Effective Lectures (Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching)
Suggestions for creating physical presence, effective visuals, and interactive lectures.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Face-to-Face, Hybrid (“Flipped Classroom”), Large Enrollment Classes
CEITL Talk about Teaching Presentations and session resources
Presentations on a range of topics
Faculty Support and Development at UNH, Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Collaborative Learning, Feedback, Large Enrollment Classes, Library Resources, Online Courses
“Clicker” Cases: Introducing Case Study Teaching Into Large Classrooms
The application of "clickers" in a large astronomy class.
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Authentic/Case/Project/Problem Based Learning, Face-to-Face, iClicker, Large Enrollment Classes, Student Response Systems
Large Classes (Cornell University Center for Teaching Innovation)
Short activities providing opportunities for students to engage with the material in meaningful ways, for building community, and for reducing…
Type: Report
Teaching and Learning Strategies Active Learning, Large Enrollment Classes, Student Response Systems