STEM Courses

Resource Category Topic
Virtual Labs (India Ministry of Education)
Virtual labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering at the undergraduate and graduate levels and for research scholars.
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
Teaching Remote Labs (Lauren Kordonowy, Jennifer Calawa)
Presentation materials available at: /cetl/talk-about-teaching-presentations-summer-2020.
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Online Labs, STEM Courses
Applying the Science of Learning across the Biological Sciences Curriculum
Victor Benassi and Catherine Overson, Conference at the Interface of Discipline-Based Education Research in STEM and Psychological Science,?Davis…
Teaching and Learning Strategies Cognitively Based Learning Interventions, Online Labs, STEM Courses
How to Quickly (and Safely) Move a Lab Course Online (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Suggestions for moving a lab course online.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
Merlot Materials
A library of open source materials in a wide range of academic disciplines.
Type: Website
Open Educational Resources (OER), Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
The Science Lab Makeover: 6 Resources to Consider for Your Online Science Lab (Online Learning Consortium)
Six online science lab resources.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
Mathlets (MIT)
A suite of carefully designed and highly interactive Javascript applets designed to enhance selected university level STEM classes.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
Remote Lab Activities and 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网s (Dartmouth College)
Suggestions and resources for teaching online labs.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
Teaching labs remotely (Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching)
Suggestions and resources for teaching online labs.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
Online lab work (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Suggestions for teaching STEM Courses and Online Labs and lists of resources (videos, simulations, and virtual labs).
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses