Mid-Course Assessment Process (MAP)

One of the ways courses can continuously improve is by soliciting feedback from students during the semester and responding to that feedback.?

To help with this, faculty may voluntarily request for an online survey link that they can distribute to their students requesting this feedback.?

The Mid-Course Assessment Process (MAP) is a voluntary activity requested by the instructor to gather anonymous student feedback about the course mid-semester via an online form in Qualtrics (UNH's online survey platform).?

Benefits of a MAP

?Gives instructors information about their students’ perceptions of the course, with particular emphasis on what helps them learn before the end of the semester.

?Feedback about the various features of the course is given in time for an instructor to make changes, if deemed necessary.

?Students are given a strong message that the instructor cares about how they are doing in the course.


Standard Mid-Term Assessment Questions

1. What has been the most helpful to your learning in this course so far??

2. What has been the least helpful to your learning in this course so far??

3. What suggestions can you offer to make this course a better learning experience??


1. Determine Questions and schedule when to distribute. Consider the questions below and/or any other course-specific questions.?If faculty need help creating this Qualtrics survey, the Educational Excellence & Effectiveness team can provide an anonymous link to the faculty member for a specific course that the faculty member can distribute to their courses (teaching.excellence@unh.edu).??

2. Introducing students to a mid-term assessment. Share with your students that you will be asking for course feedback in an anonymous survey (that will not be linked to their identity) through a link via email or Canvas. (To boost participation, instructors are encouraged to take a few minutes before or after class to ask students to complete the online MAP.) We recommend leaving the MAP open for ~48 hours.

3. ?Review your results in Qualtrics. After the MAP closes, you can download the responses and review the results. Be sure to let students know how you are incorporating their anonymous feedback into your course. Ensure that you protect students' privacy by generalizing the results of your MAP feedback when discussing the results with your students (do not quote students' feedback from the MAP).