Workplace Flexibility

What is Workplace Flexibility at UNH?

UNH strives to be an Employer of Choice and aims for high employee satisfaction.? The university also considers sustainability in offering flexible work arrangements and works toward consistency in the offering of flexibility across campus.??

UNH believes workplace flexibility can support the university in a number of areas, including:

  • Capitalizing on new approaches to the allocation of time in pursuing our mission of teaching, research and service.
  • Recognizing the reality that employees increasingly face the challenge of balancing personal and professional demands, and that those demands may change during a UNH career.
  • Remaining competitive in recruiting and retaining talented employees by paying attention to contemporary practices of employers of choice.
  • Supporting a university interest in utilizing our physical assets more fully to achieve economies and increase revenue producing activity year round.
  • Taking advantage of new information technologies to make possible opportunities for many employees to effectively perform some work at home or in remote sites.
  • Supporting a strong performance-based culture focused on results whereby flexible work arrangements and a results orientation need not be at odds, but can be a win-win for the university and its staff.

To support employees and supervisors in developing flexible work arrangements, the information on these pages?address the key?components and process?of a formal flexible work arrangement request.?
Please use the navigation menu on the left to access this information.

