Developing a Formal Workplace Flex Proposal

We encourage you to review these key items prior to preparing your proposal:

Questions for You to Consider

As a reminder: Alternative work arrangements are not conducive to all work styles and jobs.
Before beginning the proposal writing process, you should consider these questions.


  • How will the arrangement affect your ability to achieve your performance development goals?
  • Will you be able to adequately protect any confidential information that you handle?
  • If applicable, how will the arrangement affect your ability to supervise others??


  • How will business needs be met (or exceeded)?
  • How will clients be impacted by your restructured schedule?
  • How will you ensure that customer service needs are met?


  • What will the impact be on your co-workers?
  • What will the impact be on those you supervise?
  • How will your alternative work arrangement affect work volume, peak periods, projects in progress, and/or overtime?


  • What are the tools, resources, and best working environments required for success in your job?
  • What equipment/technology will your flexible work arrangement require? ?


  • How will your work/performance be reviewed and evaluated?
  • How will your success be measured?


  • Are you self-directed and comfortable working without close supervision?
  • Do you manage your time well?
  • Are you comfortable working alone for long periods of time?
  • How will you manage employees who report to you?


  • What are the benefit implications (e.g., if your flexible work arrangement includes a request for reduced hours/days)?
  • What impact, if any, will a flexible work arrangement have on your UNH status and your salary, job grade, vacation, and retirement, etc.? Note that, if the arrangement involves a reduction in hours/days, it may not be possible to increase those hours later.


  • Are you familiar with university policies and are you able to comply with them?
  • Are you familiar with information security good practices and are you able to follow them??
Principles for Effective Formal Workplace Flexibility
  1. A written proposal and agreement should be developed.
  2. The arrangement should support the office or department’s goals, including productivity, cost effectiveness, and service to internal and external clients. The arrangement should be achieved without:
    1. Curtailing normal UNH service hours.
    2. Incurring overtime costs.
    3. Impairing the unit’s effectiveness in carrying out its research, teaching, service, or administrative function.
    4. Placing undue burden on others in the unit, whether individual employees or supervisors/managers.
    5. Creating problems of safety, security, or supervision.
  3. The individual’s work style and job performance should support the requirements of the arrangement.
  4. The job tasks should be adaptable to the flexible arrangement.
  5. Communication and accountability should be established to assist successful implementation of the new flexibility arrangement.
  6. Alternative work policies and flexible arrangements should be well communicated to all employees in the office or department.
  7. The flexible arrangement should be evaluated by the employee and the supervisor/manager after a trial period of three months. The proposal should then be reviewed annually.
  8. Approval is subject to change?at any time.
  9. All arrangements require compliance with all USNH employment policies.
  10. University information and information technology must be accessed and handled in a secure manner consistent with policies and good practices developed by UNH IT Security Services.
Developing Your Proposal

Flexible Arrangements Proposal Form

An employee interested in a flexible workplace arrangement should review the UNH Workplace Flexibility information provided on these pages, and review the USNH Flexible Work?Alternatives and Teleworking Policies.

A?written proposal should be developed and submitted to the?immediate supervisor for review and?consideration. ?For this process,?the immediate supervisor is the person responsible for completing the employee’s annual performance review.

There are a number of critical questions in the proposal form that should be addressed by the employee and? the supervisor as part of their discussion of the proposal.

REMINDER: The employee should be sure to understand what, if any, impact the proposed arrangement might have on his or her pay, benefits and UNH status.