Flex Work Proposal Request & Review Process

Proposal Request/Review/Decisions Process

Decisions regarding the appropriateness of a flexible work arrangement?are?made on a case-by-case basis. Business needs are a priority in the consideration and evaluation of an employee's proposal.

There are no standardized rules for what will make a flexible work?arrangement acceptable or unacceptable; however, personal opinions and biases should not influence decision making.

If a supervisor or unit/area final approver declines to accept the proposal, then he or she should make every effort to ensure that the employee fully understands the reason(s).

Steps for the EMPLOYEE to follow:

  1. Think through which option makes sense and whether that option provides the flexibility you desire. It is important to consider how the arrangement may impact your work and the work of your colleagues.
  2. Ask for assistance or guidance from your Human Resources partner if you have any questions.
  3. Once you have decided on your plan, complete the proposal form and the ET&S Security Standards form (for?any teleworking proposals).??
  4. Employees currently engaged in a successful flexible workplace arrangement set up?prior to?March 2013?are encouraged to formalize their arrangement by completing the proposal form.
  5. Schedule an appointment with your supervisor to discuss your proposal and finalize/modify your plan if necessary. ?
  6. Plan to respond to unexpected circumstances or changes that may result and affect your flexible work arrangement.

Steps for the reviewing?SUPERVISOR to follow:

  1. Respond to each proposal in a timely manner, normally within ten business days,?continuing to keep the employee informed of its status with open dialogue to any questions.?
  2. If the request is being denied by you, clarify with the employee why you cannot approve it. The employee has the option to appeal the denial to his or her HR partner, who will then discuss the situation with the employee and manager/supervisor. Send a copy of the proposal, including why it was denied, to Human Resources.
  3. If the request is being approved by you, the next step is to forward proposal to appropriate?department Manager/Director, Dean or Designee for their approval.? (IF submitted proposal is for a remote work arrangement, prior to forwarding for final?decision?be sure you?and the?employee?have reviewed the expectations/criteria provided in the ET & S?Security Standards form.)
  4. Once fully approved?the?proposal is then returned to the immediate supervisor for appropriate dissemination of copies:? employee, and?department's HR Partner for final review?regarding any?potential compliance issues.
  5. Communicate the new arrangement to other staff members in the department.
  6. The immediate supervisor and employee should both review the original proposal at the end of the trial period (no later than 6 months), making changes if necessary. If an altogether different flexible workplace arrangement seems necessary, then a new proposal should be prepared and?submitted by the employee.?