Staff Recognition Program and Event

UNH's Staff Recognition program is an annual celebration to express the university's appreciation and acknowledgment of our staff achieving milestone years of service, and who contribute so vitally to the mission and strategic plan success of the University of New Hampshire, year after year.?

The 2023?Celebration will be held on Friday, May 12, 2023, on the Durham campus starting at 9:00 am.?

watch the LIVE event

For our staff being recognized for milestone years of service, their invitation to this annual program is followed by the remainder of the day off with pay (up to half of their regularly scheduled hours). This 1/2 day may be taken on the day of the event or another coordinated date and time, supported by the employee's supervisor, based on department staffing needs.

This program?recognizes employees reaching milestone years of service starting year 10 and thereafter every 5 years as they reach a new milestone.? 160?employees are being celebrated for reaching milestone years of service!

Staff receiving recognition, please RSVP via the link in your invitation email.??


?2023?Event Information

The 2023?staff recognition event will be on Friday, May 12, 2023 in the Memorial Union Building.?? We know that family, friends and colleagues want to be a part of this celebration and they are invited to attend!? The event will be live streamed and available for viewing for those not able to make it.?? Viewing information will be posted on this site as we get closer to the event.?

Start Time: 9:00am

End Time: 11:00am

Granite State Room, Memorial Union Building

A light continental breakfast will be available starting at 8:00am for attendees.? Come early to connect with fellow milestone recipients!

?Who Is Eligible?

The annual program is for Operating Staff (OS), Professional, Administrative & Technical (PAT), and Extension Educator (EE) staff who have reached milestone years or service, beginning at 10 years, and every 5 years after that.

2023 celebrates 160?staff members with a combined 2,755?years of service with UNH!


List of 2023?Milestone?Staff?by department?


?How Service is Calculated

This program identifies staff in Banner HR that based on their Adjusted Service Date (calculates prior service), have reached milestone years of service by the deadline each year of May 31st.

EX:? Jane started working at UNH on August 5, 2010. Even though Jane's actual 10 year anniversary will be on August 5th, 2020, she has not reached 10 years by the annual cut-off of May 31st, so she will be picked up for recognition with her peers the following year.


Linda Tibbetts, Research

Sem Moeng, Academic Affairs
Paul Poulin, Academic Affairs
Paulette Baillargeon, Philbrook
Timothy Taylor, Philbrook
Pamela Wildes, COLSA
Faye Cragin, Cooperative Extension
Kimberly Rhine, Enrollment Management
Leo Bush, Facilities
Brian Urbanski, Facilities
Thomas Baker, Information Technology
Celeste Dietterle, COLSA
Julia Peterson, Cooperative Extension
John O'Rourke, Information Technology
Martin McCrone, Research
Lisa Scigliano, Research
Cynthia Tremblay, UNH Manchester


Carmela Deyak, Academic Affairs
Desiree Leavitt, Academic Affairs
Susan Dumais, Advancement
Lee Petersen, Philbrook
Eric Potter, West Edge Copy Center
Darleen Smith, West Edge Copy Center
Jobriah Anderson, COLSA
Aaron Palmer, COLSA
Jennifer Bourgeault, Leitzel Center
Diana Leary, Enrollment Management
Nicole Cole, Information Technology
Martin England, Information Technology
Jeremiah Marceau, Information Technology
Lisa Nugent, Information Technology
Kimberly Therrien, Information Technology
Denise Blaha, Research
Janet Davis, Research
Kelly Marti, Research
John Wilderman, Research
Paula Harris, UNH Law


Elisabeth Farrell, Academic Affairs
Melinda McMahon, Academic Affairs
Paul Chapman, Athletics
Cynthia Michaud, Athletics
Penny Stevens, Philbrook
Kathleen Mandsager, CEPS
Sheldon Parent, CEPS
Madeleine Wasiewski, CEPS
Amy Costello, CHHS
Pamela Thomas, CHHS
Melissa Knorr, COLSA
Michelle Shattuck, COLSA
Heidi Bennett, Cooperative Extension
Pamela Doherty, Cooperative Extension
Carl Majewski, Cooperative Extension
Linda Doherty, Enrollment Management
Wayne Reilly, Facilities
Christine Dupere, Finance Office
Anna Lefebvre, Finance Office
Randall Carver, Information Technology
Norman Fizz, Information Technology
John Flynn, Information Technology
Stormy Gleason, Information Technology
Justin Moore, Information Technology
Ariel Schmitt, Information Technology
Brandon Hinton, Police
Kristin Blackwell, Research
Luke Cahoon, Research
Michelle Walker, Research


Stephanie Bernier, Academic Affairs
Richard Cercone, Academic Affairs
Cortney French, Academic Affairs
Lourdes Madera, Academic Affairs
Michelle Nichols, Academic Affairs
Donald Ross, Academic Affairs
Elizabeth Tappin, Academic Affairs
Christine Zaimes, Academic Affairs
Scott Ripley, Advancement
Brian Blank, Athletics
Kenneth Dempsey, Athletics
Clara Cracknell, Catering Services
Teresa Cruz Chalas, Holloway Commons
Caitlin Jones, CHHS
Jill Varney, CHHS
Karen Volle, CHHS
Carla Cannizzaro, COLA
Kate Umans, COLA
Randi Foxall, COLSA
Heidi Barker, Cooperative Extension
Andrew Fast, Cooperative Extension
David Bowley, Facilities
Michael Mason, Facilities
Christopher Palmer, Information Technology
Sangita Raghunathan, Information Technology
Claudette Raymond, Information Technology
Bruce Azotea, Police
Nicole Grady, Police
Dianne DeMaggio, Research
Melissa-Anne McGee, Research
Patricia Stone, Research
Liza Curtis, Enrollment Management


Donna Han, Academic Affairs
Alaya McGrath, Academic Affairs
Catherine Overson, Academic Affairs
Raina Sprague, Academic Affairs
Philip Brekke, Advancement
Gina Damiano, Advancement
Jeremy Gasowski, Advancement
Amy Maki, Advancement
Aaron Peters, Advancement
Dorothy Sanseverino, Advancement
Brian Dow, Athletics
Margaret Yurista, Athletics
Orlando Castro, Holloway Commons
Pei Ma, Holloway Commons
Todd Sweet, Dining Administration
Laura Haight, CEPS
Marguerite Corvini, CHHS
Danielle LaPointe, CHHS
Stephanie McAdams, CHHS
Freedom Mussari, CHHS
Katie Cousens, COLSA
Michelle Bersaw-Robblee, Cooperative Extension
Susan Chalifoux, Cooperative Extension
Shirley Clark, Cooperative Extension
Joseph Drake, Cooperative Extension
Diane DuGray, Cooperative Extension
Alyson Eberhardt, Cooperative Extension
Sherrie Fontaine, Cooperative Extension
Michael Gagnon, Cooperative Extension
Joy Gagnon, Cooperative Extension
Janell George, Cooperative Extension
Melissa Goyait, Education Talent Search
Kathleen Guyotte, Education talent Search
Lynn Harrison, Cooperative Extension
Donna Lee, Cooperative Extension
Michelle Lemos, Cooperative Extension
Olivia Saunders, Cooperative Extension
Mary West, Cooperative Extension
Bradley Finger, Enrollment Management
Teresa Zellem, Enrollment Management
Matthew Rowell, EOS
Matthew Vadeboncoeur, EOS
Shawn Herrick, Facilities
Martha Gleason, Human Resources
Pamela Hayes, Affirmative Action
Meghan Proctor, Human Resources
Christopher Sand, Finance Office
Peter Doughty, Information Technology
Scott Hazzard, Information Technology
Douglas Keene, Information Technology
Ember Ludwig, Information Technology
Alicia Medros, Information Technology
Kenneth Mitchell, Information Technology
Brian Simpson, Information Technology
Nicholas Tamblyn, Information Technology
Dagmar Vlahos, Information Technology
Stephen Wilson, Information Technology
Sean Wilton, Police
Meagan Souvannaseng, Research
David Weingart, Research
Matthew Grady, UNH Law
Caitlin Bannon, UNH Manchester

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How are milestone anniversary years calculated?
    Each year,? calculations are made based on a cut off of May 31st beginning with 10 years of service, followed by every 5 years after that.
  2. I am a manager and one of my direct reports is reaching a milestone this year.? Am I supposed to do something for them in person? Am I supposed to buy a separate gift for them?
    Managers are strongly encouraged to help UNH recognize service anniversaries with a few sincere words of thanks and appreciation - in a written note, at a 1:1 meeting, or with a "shout out" at a regularly scheduled staff meeting.? As in any professional relationship, it is your time and attention that means the most.? There is no need to buy a separate gift.? In fact, it is discouraged as gifts have already been selected to fall below IRS taxability thresholds.
  3. I believe I should have been picked up for recognition this year but did not receive my letter of invitation.? What should I do?
    Please contact the Human Resources office at 862-0504?and we can verify your hire dates used for calculation.
  4. I can't take off a 1/2 day on the program date due to my current workload and staffing needs in my department.? What should I do?
    Work with your supervisor to identify a more appropriate time off later in the month that works better for the department and your own personal calendar.
  5. Can I exchange my gift for a monetary award, a gift card or a donation to a charity?
    No, due to IRS guidelines and taxation implications we can not change the recognition gift to a monetary amount, gift card or charity donation.
  6. I celebrated my 10 year anniversary a few years ago and I don't remember getting a gift.? Can I get it now?
    No, we are sorry but we are unable to supply recognition gifts for previous milestone years.??
  7. Will I need a valid Wildcat Pass to attend?

We realize that COVID?guidance from CDC and the state are liable to change.? We will be following the COVID?protocols of the University at the time of the event.? All faculty and staff who come to campus continue to be tested according to our COVID protocols.

? ? ? ? 8. How do I record my 1/2 day off in UKG??

Employees being recognized are eligible for a half day of paid time away from work in?recognition of their milestone. If you work an 8-hour day, you are eligible for 4 hours of paid time off.? If you work a 10-hour day, you are eligible for 5 hours of paid time off, etc.

Non-exempt (hourly paid) employees should submit a Time Off Request using?Curtailed Operations as the reason code for no more than half?of their shift.?

Exempt employees will confirm the time away with their supervisor, no action is required in UKG



