
Resource Category Topic
Google Docs Help Center
Suite of Google apps for document creation (not supported by UNH)
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Cloud Storage and Sharing
Google Drive Help Center
Google's cloud storage and sharing solution (not supported by UNH)
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Cloud Storage and Sharing
MediaSpace is a free media tool available to UNH students, faculty, and staff that allows the uploading, management and sharing of media. MediaSpace…
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Kaltura - Captioning a Video (includes caption edit process)
This article describes how to caption a video in Kaltura.
Learning Environment, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Accessibility, Inclusive Teaching, Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Link to a YouTube video in Canvas Rich Content Editor
YouTube videos are automatically embedded in any feature that uses the Rich Content Editor. This lesson applies to the Announcements, Assignments,…
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Canvas (MyCourses)
Kaltura: Sharing Media with Other Users
This article describes how to share media with other users.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Upload video or audio files in Kaltura
This article describes how to upload video and audio files in Kaltura.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Embed Kaltura Video and Audio into Canvas (MyCourses)
This article describes how to embed a video or audio file into a Canvas course. ?Kaltura media can be embedded into a Canvas?assignment, page, or any…
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Canvas (MyCourses), Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Kaltura Capture - Getting Started
This article describes how to get started with Kaltura Capture.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Kaltura Overview
This article gives a general?overview of Kaltura.
Technologies for Teaching and Learning Kaltura, Video Creation and Hosting
Gradescope Help Center
Gradescope is an application for seamlessly administering and grading all assessments, whether online or in-class, allowing faculty to provide…
Assessment and Feedback Feedback, Grading
Twenty Ways To Make Lectures More Participatory (Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University)
Suggestions for promoting active student engagement in lectures.
Type: Article
Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality Active Learning, Face-to-Face
The Flipped Classroom (Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching)
Considerations for flipping your classroom and suggestions for getting started.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality Hybrid (“Flipped Classroom”)
Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (Association of College and Research Libraries)
The ACRL framework for information literacy; guidelines for primary source literacy; information literacy competency standards for journalism,…
Type: Reference
Learning Resources Information Literacy
Information Literacy@UNH (UNH Library)
This guide aims to help faculty incorporate the skills of information literacy and critical thinking into their courses, with a focus on information…
Type: Service
Learning Resources Information Literacy
Alexander Street (via UNH Library)
A source of streaming media with the option of extracting clips (most videos include quality captions or transcripts).
Type: Video
Learning Resources Library Resources
Kanopy Streaming Media via UNH Library
A source of streaming media with the option of extracting clips (most videos include quality captions, else they can be requested directly from…
Type: Video
Learning Resources Library Resources
Creating Access: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Accessible Classroom and Course Materials (UNH Student Accessibility Services)
Detailed explanation and resources for Print and Video Accessibility
Type: Website
Learning Environment, Student Success Accessibility
Virtual Labs (India Ministry of Education)
Virtual labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering at the undergraduate and graduate levels and for research scholars.
Teaching and Learning Strategies Online Labs, STEM Courses
MindMeister is an online mind mapping tool that lets you capture, develop and share ideas visually. It can be used for?brainstorming,?note taking,?…
Teaching and Learning Strategies, Technologies for Teaching and Learning Cognitively Based Learning Interventions