
Resource Category Topic
Career and Professional Success (CaPS) for Course Syllabi
The following information regarding Career and Professional Success (CaPS) services for students can be included on course syllabi.
Type: Service
Student Success Syllabus Design
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Order Form (Blank)
An excel spreadsheet order form for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including pictures and descriptions.
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility, Face-to-Face, Teaching Modalities
The Aulbani J. Beauregard Center for Equity, Freedom and Justice| Syllabi Review
The purpose of the syllabi review process is to provide faculty with a new, outsider perspective. The Center advocates for syllabi that utilize…
Type: Service
Course Design Inclusive Teaching
Connors Writing Center
The Connors Writing Center offers one-on-one writing conferences to current UNH undergraduate and graduate students, an Online Writing Lab, and…
Type: Service
Student Success
Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS)
Provides students with support and education for personal and academic success through a brief, solution-focused counseling model. Common concerns…
Type: Service
Student Success
Mid-Course Assessment Program (MAP) (Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning)
The Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CEITL) coordinates a service by which faculty can receive feedback about their…
Type: Service
Assessment and Feedback, Course Design Formative Assessment
Streaming Video (UNH Library)
Videostreamed films for UNH courses
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Databases (UNH Library)
Access to all Library databases.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Course Reserves (UNH Library)
Course reserves are materials that faculty can request to be made available to their classes for limited circulation periods.
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources
Library Reserves (UNH Library)
Books, CDs, DVDs, articles, book chapters, hardware, and even software can be put on reserve at any UNH Library location?for limited circulation…
Type: Service
Learning Resources Library Resources