
Resource Category Topic Type
Clinical Trial Requirements (NIH)
NIH webpage on clinical trials
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Guidance
Privacy, Confidentiality and Anonymity in Human Subjects Research
UNH IRB guidance on privacy, confidentiality and anonymity in human subjects research. Updated ~ April 2022.
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Guidance
Activities Involving Human Subjects and IRB Approval
UNH IRB guidance about activities involving human subjects and UNH IRB approval.
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Guidance
Requesting Modifications to IACUC-Approved Protocols
UNH IACUC guidelines to request a modification to an IACUC-approved protocol (updated July 2019).
Compliance & Safety Animal Care & Use Guidance
Guidelines for Occupational Safety for Field-Based Projects
UNH IACUC Guidelines for Occupational Safety for Field-Based Projects
Compliance & Safety Animal Care & Use Guidance
UNH IACUC Guidelines for Fisheries and Aquaculture Applications
UNH IACUC guidelines for fisheries and aquaculture applications
Compliance & Safety Animal Care & Use Guidance
Guidelines for Biological and Personal Safety when Working with Vertebrate Animals at UNH
UNH IACUC Guidelines for Biological and Personal Safety when Working with Vertebrate Animals at UNH
Compliance & Safety Animal Care & Use Guidance
Payments to Participants, Coercion, & Undue Influence in Human Subjects Research
UNH IRB guidance on payments to participants, coercion, & undue influence in human subjects research.
Compliance & Safety Human Subjects Guidance