
The CIBBR is supported by several cutting edge facilities on the University of New Hampshire campus.

CIBBR Supported Resources Include:

Microscopy Core:

Instrument - Location (Click instrument for more info)
Becton-Dickinson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer - UIC Parsons
Miltenyi Biotec MACSQuant VYB Flow Cytometer - UIC Parson
Nikon Confocal Microscope?- UIC Parsons
Zeiss Versa 610 X-Ray Microscope?- UIC Parsons

Spectroscopy Core:?


Molecular &?Cellular Phenotyping Core:

Instrument - Location (Click Instrument for more info)

Core Scientific Advisor? Training Materials
Applikon Bioreactor - Rudman 232 Nate Oldenhuis, PhD ?
Berthold Centro LB 960XS Microplate Luminometer?- Rudman 354 Sherine Elsawa, PhD ?
BioRad V3 Chemidoc Imager -Rudman 354 Don Wojchowski, PhD ?
Imaging Workstation - Rudman 131 Don Wojchowski, PhD ?
Lentivirus Gene Delivery Facility - Rudman 257C Don Wojchowski, PhD ?
LiCor Odyssey Clx Imaging System?- Rudman 354? Rick Cote, PhD ?
Lonza Nucleofetor Electroporator - Rudman 157 Vicki Jeffers, Phd ?
Moxi II Cell Analyzer/Bench Flow Cytometer - Rudman 354 Don Wojchowski, PhD ?
Miltenyi Biotec MACSQuant VYB Flow Cytometer - Parson W118A Mark Townley, PhD ?
Nicoya Surface Plasmon Resonance System - Rudman 157 Edward Song, PhD ?
Olympus IX81 Inverted Fluorescence/Brightfield Microscope - Rudman 157 Mark Townley, PhD ?
Olympus SZX9?Stereo Microscope - Rudman 157 Mark Townley, PhD ?
Pavone Nanoindenter - Kingsbury S333 Linqing Li, PhD ?
Promega GloMax Explorer Multi-Mode Fluorimeter, Luminometer, Spectrometer - Rudman 354 Don Wojchowski, PhD ?
Q-Sonica 800R3 DNA and Chromatin Shearing System - Rudman 354 Sarah Walker, PhD ?
Savant Speedvac SPD120 Vacuum Concentraor - Rudman 333 Rick Cote, PhD ?
Sony SH-800z Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter?- Parsons UIC Mark Townley, PhD Sony Flow Cytometer?Files
SpectraMax M2e/EA Microplate Reader?-?Rudman 354 Sherine Elsawa, PhD ?
Thermo Invitrogen?EVOS FL Auto 2 Cell Imaging System - Rudman 157 Sarah Walker, PhD ?
Zeiss Axioplan 2 Imaging Upright Fluorescence/Brightfield Microscope - Rudman 157 Mark Townley, PhD ?

Resource Acknowledgement:


Research reported in this publication was supported by the UNH’s Center of Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research core facilities through a grant from NIGMS/NIH, Award Number P20GM113131

Training Form:

If interested in using one of the CIBBR-Supported Instruments, a training form request with the UIC must be filled out and submitted. No access to CIBBR instrumentation will be allowed without the proper training. Click the link below to download the form.

UIC Training Form

Other University Resources Available:

University Instrumentation Center

University Instrumentation Center (UIC)

The University Instrumentation Center (Parsons and Rudman Halls) houses and maintains suites of instrumentation in the imaging and spectroscopy cores. Instrumentation available through the UIC includes: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, as well as analytical instrumentation for chemical characterization. The UIC offers both user training and services for the instrumentation in the microscopy and spectroscopy cores. The UIC also includes an Engineering Services Core which offers services for instrument calibration, maintenance and repair, as well as designing specialized instrumentation. The UIC operates on a recharge basis for the services provided.

Shawn Banker, Director

Hubbard Center for Genome Studies

Hubbard Center for Genome Studies (HCGS)

The Hubbard Center for Genome Studies, located on the 4th floor of Gregg Hall, currently has two research groups which focus on Genomics, Proteomics, Glycomics, and Bioinformatics. Available bench space will accommodate 28 scientists with additional areas for equipment and electrophoresis. The laboratory also incorporates 3 fume hoods, two biosafety cabinets, two environmental rooms and an autoclave.? Eight faculty/postdoc offices and cubicles for 13 graduate students are located adjacent to the lab. A penthouse space wired with emergency power will accommodate up to 25 ultracold freezers.? All other equipment is located on the same floor of Gregg Hall as the laboratory space A wide variety of services are provided by the HCGS including sample preparation, high- throughput sequencing, and associated quality control assays are provided on a recharge basis.

W. Kelley Thomas, Director

Research Computing Center

Research Computing Center (RCC)

The Research Computing Center has a staff of IT professionals specializing in systems and network administration, security, database administration and software engineering also located in Morse Hall. The RCC is housed in Morse Hall, and its mission is to provide specialized IT support for sponsored research projects. The RCC actively manages high performance computing hardware and implements planned strategic growth of these facilities through pursuing funding opportunities as a center and through collaborative projects with UNH researchers. Computing facilities include a 2,000 square foot energy efficient data center that offers high performance computing and networking in support of the UNH research enterprise. The data center was renovated in 2011 providing new and improved security, power and cooling. These services are provided on a recharge basis. The RCC works closely with the UIC and HCGS and their users to support the UNH research community.

Heather Longe, Director

Animal Resource Office

Animal Resource Office (ARO)

The Animal Resource Office is a USDA-inspected facility which provides environmentally-controlled housing and care for traditional laboratory animals, amphibians, miniature swine and limited numbers of avian species. The facility provides the environment, housing and care for said species in accordance to the AWA, PHS Policy and the standards outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The facility meets all federal, state and local guidelines.

The multi-room ARO complex includes a surgery room, a cage washing room, men’s and women’s locker rooms, and showers, and is maintained by a full-time animal care technician. It has a back-up power source and includes areas for cleaning, sanitizing and autoclaving equipment. The ARO is directly overseen by an on- site veterinarian.

Dean Elder, DVM, Director; Julie Simpson, Director