Group Counseling

At PACS we offer a range of group counseling services. Each group is facilitated by either one or two mental health clinicians who have training and expertise in the topics to be addressed. Group topics change from one semester to the next.

If you are interested in joining a group, download our flyer here, call PACS, or inquire with a counselor about groups offered this semester.

All potential group members must have completed an initial consultation through PACS, and they must also complete a “Group Intake” appointment. The group intake appointment will last about 20-30 minutes and provide an opportunity for you to meet with one of the group facilitators. During this meeting, you will have an opportunity to get acquainted; discuss your goals and concerns; learn about the structure, format, and goals of the group; and decide with the PACS staff member whether the group might be a good fit for you.

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Spring 2024 Schedule: All Group and Workshop Sessions are in person at PACS



  • 2:00?– 3:30 p.m.? ?DBT Lite
    A skill-building group that meets weekly to focus on building a life that is consistent with the one you want through mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness skills.
  • 5:00?– 6:30 p.m.? ?Graduate Student OASIS? ?

    A graduate student support group that provides space to meet with fellow grads to discuss surviving and thriving in graduate school.



1:00?– 2:30 p.m.? ?Understanding Self & Others
Learn about yourself, connect with other students and explore how to manage stress related to relationships, academics, transitions and unhelpful moods.

2:00?– 3:00 p.m.? Fear-Less: Anxiety Management?
A weekly skill-building group to expand your ability to manage your worry, fears, and stress so you can feel more confident moving through life's storms.

3:00?– 4:30 p.m.? Creative Options?
A weekly skill-building group focused on cultivating well-being,?developing coping skills, and connect with others.?Members learn to utilize art as a form of coping and self-expression.



1:00?– 2:00 p.m.? ?Feel Better Fast Workshop
A three-session workshop series?focused on coping with anxious feelings, sadness, lack of motivation, stress and adversity. Come to one, two or all three sessions.

2:00?– 3:00 p.m.? ?Grief & Loss
A student support group focused on grieving the death of a loved one in a safe, supportive environment with other students who have experienced similar loss(es).

3:30?– 4:30 p.m.? ?Focus: ADHD Group
A skills group for students struggling with focus, attention, and other symptoms of ADHD.


Group Intake appointment required

Call PACS to schedule an appointment

3 Garrison Ave., Smith Hall – 3rd Floor
(603) 862-2090

Download Group Flyer PDF