
There are several collaborates with departments and offices to provide opportunities to enhance teaching skills, help educators connect better with their students and to help evaluate the effectiveness of methods of teaching.

University WRiting Programs

The University Writing Programs partnered with the CEITL to offer January 1/2 day workshops for faculty in all disciplines.? Workshops serve as a forum for faculty to learn new strategies, exchange ideas, and hone teaching practices. ?Recent workshops have dealt with a range of topics from assignment and syllabus design to managing collaborative writing assignments.? As opportunities present themselves, the UWP also offers less structured events, like brown bags, during the semester.

Sustainibility Institute

The Sustainability Institute encourages and supports faculty and staff to advance sustainability in academics, research and operations.

office of Community, Equity and Diversity

Office of Community, Equity and Diversity and CEITL hosted a webinar series titled Access, Equity, and Diversity: Faculty Supported Practices for Engaging Learners during COVID. The series focused on using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework for designing experiences to support students with diverse learning needs across a variety of teaching modalities.

UNH Global

UNH Global collaborated with CEITL on helping faculty and graduate students teach international students.?

Academic success

Academic Success (CFAR) offers presentations to UNH classes, departments, and offices that would like to learn more about our services. In your classroom we can provide an overview of center services or in-depth instruction on topics like time management,?active learning or? other tips to improve academic performance. For faculty and staff, we offer structured training on topics such as meeting the needs of underrepresented students, or we can simply attend a meeting to answer questions about? how CFAR can support your efforts.?

Graduate School

The Graduate School, in conjunction with the Center for Excellence?and Innovation in Teaching and Learning, offers a twelve-credit certificate program, the Certificate in College Teaching, designed to prepare and enhance the effectiveness of college teaching.?The Certificate is open to current UNH faculty members and post-docs, and faculty,?doctoral students enrolled at institutions other than UNH, as well as others outside of UNH?with the minimum of a bachelors degree. All of the classes are online.