CEITL Participation Certificate Program

In conjunction with Academic Technology, Center for Academic Resources, University Library, UNH Writing Programs?and Graduate School, CEITL created the CEITL?Participation Certificate Program for UNH faculty, staff, and graduate students. Accumulation of?points for participation activities began with the enrollment date and recognizes participation in a variety of teaching- and learning-related activities, demonstrating a commitment to promote the highest quality of student learning through implementation of best practices in college teaching.?Below is a list of prospective activities that contributed to acquisition of participation points.

How CEITL Participation Certificate Points Were Earned (click + for details)

CEITL-related Activity

Attend a CEITL-sponsored colloquium on teaching and learning 1
Attend a Talk about Teaching Workshop 1
Attend a January Workshop on College Teaching 1
Attend a CEITL-sponsored conference on teaching and learning 2
Presenter at CEITL Talk about Teaching or January Workshop 2
Complete a 2-credit GRAD course on College Teaching 2
Give a presentation at a conference or at another institution (based on work done on a CEITL project) 3
Publish a research-based article in collaboration with CEITL staff 4
Work with CEITL staff on a course-based project 4

UNH Writing Programs-related Activity Points
Attend a Writing Program Brown Bag 1
Attend a Writing Program Sponsored event (Guest Speaker, Student Exit Interviews) 1
Write a piece for the Writing Program Newsletter 2
Become a Core WAC Faculty Network member 2
Complete the Writing-Intensive Faculty Retreat 3

Academic Technology-related Activity Points
Complete Fundamentals of Online Instruction Course 2
Complete Fundamentals of Online Delivery Course 2
Complete a Hybrid Active Learning Course 2
Attend a Faculty Instructional Technology Summer Institute (FITSI) 3

University Library-related Activity Points
Selected Workshops (e.g. Citation Management, etc.) 1
Selected Brown Bag "Lunch & Learn" 1
Other (points for other activities determined by CEITL staff and educators) TBD

CEITL Participation Certificate Awards

Award Levels Points
Level 1 16
Level 2 32
Level 3 48
Level 4 64
CEITL Star 80