Past Teaching & Learning Themed Special Interest Group (T-SIG)

The Teaching and Learning Themed Special Interest Group (T-SIG)?was a 4-part semester-long workshop series on a themed topic related to teaching and learning. During each of the hour-long workshops, CEITL staff worked closely with participants on workshop activities specifically designed for their courses.?

Previous Teaching & Learning T-SIGs

Teaching for Learning: 101 Intentionally Designed Education Activities to Put Students on the Path to Success (2nd Edition)?

By: Claire Howell Major, Michael S. Harris and Todd D. Zakrajsek

This book is available through ProQuest at the link below:?

In this book, authors describe a wide variety of evidence-based learning activities and teaching methods for both face-to-face and online courses. The authors present a systematic exploration of eight core teaching approaches:

Lecture Reciprocal Peer Teaching Reading Strategies Graphic Organizers
Discussion Academic Games Writing to Learn Metacognition Reflection

The format of each chapter incudes the description of each teaching approach, a synthesis of the science of teaching and learning literature, and many different evidence-based activities you may implement. As we work our way through this book, we will discuss how the readings might relate to courses you teach.

Session 1: Lecture & Discussion
We will examine the first two teaching approaches, Lecture and Discussion, as well as discuss a variety of course implementation ideas for these approaches.?
Date: Monday,?September?11 (In-person) OR Tuesday, September?12 (via Zoom)?
Time: 1pm - 2pm
Location: Conant Hall G02?on MONDAY OR Zoom on TUESDAY?
Session 2: Reciprocal Peer Teaching & Academic Games
We will examine the next two teaching approaches, Reciprocal Peer Teaching and Academic Games, as well as discuss a variety of course implementation ideas for these approaches.
Date: Monday, September 25?(In-person) OR Tuesday, September 26 (via Zoom)?
Time: 1pm - 2pm
Location:?Conant Hall G02?on MONDAY OR Zoom on TUESDAY
Session 3:?Reading Strategies & Writing to Learn
We will examine two teaching approaches, Reading Strategies and Writing to Learn, as well as discuss a variety of course implementation ideas for these approaches.
Date: Monday, October 9 (In-person) OR Tuesday, October 10?(via Zoom)?
Time: 1pm - 2pm
Location:?Conant Hall G02?on MONDAY OR Zoom on TUESDAY
Session 4: Graphic Organizers & Metacognitive Reflection
We will examine the final two teaching approaches, Graphic Organizers and Metacognitive Reflection, as well as discuss a variety of course implementation ideas for these approaches.
Date: Monday, October 23?(In-person) OR Tuesday, October 24?(via Zoom)
Time:?1pm - 2pm
Location:?Conant Hall G02?on MONDAY OR Zoom on TUESDAY

CEITL Participation: 1 point - CEITL Participants who complete all four components of this series will receive a CEITL T-SIG Award of Participation Certificate and receive a total of 6 Points toward the CEITL Participation Certificate?(4 points for each workshop, 2 bonus points).

Supplement Your Student 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 of Learning Reports:??

Gathering Artifacts of Effective and Reflective Teaching Practice

We all want our students to succeed academically; fortunately, there are a number of pedagogical measures we can employ to help our students reach our (and their) goal in this regard. With the new Student 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 of Learning (SEL) surveys now in place, gathering, assembling, and presenting artifacts of effective and reflective teaching practice are likely to be indispensable inclusions moving forward. This T-SIG will offer a variety of options to set you on this path and inspire additional ideas for inclusion in your teaching portfolio.

Session 1:?Peer Observation of Teaching
Ways it might be configured and how you can make the most of peer feedback.?
Date: Wednesday, October 25 -?Lunch will be provided. (Lunch will be available beginning at 12:15)
Time: 12:40pm - 1:40pm
Location: Teaching and Learning Commons at Conant Hall Conference Room G02?
Session 2: Classroom Assessment
Gathering information during the semester for formative use
Date: Wednesday, November 1 -?Lunch will be provided. (Lunch will be available beginning at 12:15)
Time:?12:40pm - 1:40pm
Location:?Teaching and Learning Commons at Conant Hall Conference Room G02
Session 3:?Reflective Practice
Now that I have information on my current teaching, how do I make and follow through on a plan to make good teaching even better
Date: Wednesday, November 8?-?Lunch will be provided. (Lunch will be available beginning at 12:15)
Time:?12:40pm - 1:40pm
Location:?Teaching and Learning Commons at Conant Hall Conference Room G02
Session 4:?Generating a College Teaching Portfolio
Showcasing your effective, reflective teaching practice
Date: Wednesday, November 15? -?Lunch will be provided. (Lunch will be available beginning at 12:15)
Time:?12:40pm - 1:40pm
Location:?Teaching and Learning Commons at Conant Hall Conference Room G02

CEITL Participation: 1 point - CEITL Participants who complete all four components of this series will receive a CEITL T-SIG Award of Participation Certificate and receive a total of 6 Points toward the CEITL Participation Certificate?(4 points for each workshop, 2 bonus points).

Resource: Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Teachers (4th Edition) By: Linda B. Nilson

This book is available through ProQuest at:


This Spring 2023 T-SIG will cover half of this book. Other content from this book was covered in the Fall 2022 T-SIG. Please Note: There is no requirement that you complete both semesters because the topics in the two semesters are different. Our explorations will include topics such as inclusive classrooms, self-directed learning, student motivation, providing feedback, teaching modalities, and assessment preparation and grading.

Please register in full for all sessions, or by 1 week prior to each date.

Session 1: Part 2: Human Factors - We will examine how to provide a welcoming and inclusive classroom, increase motivation, and address academic integrity.

In Person - Conant Hall G02
Monday, February 13, 2023
1pm - 2pm
1 point*

Session 2: Part 5: Tools and Techniques to Facilitate Learning -? We will examine self-regulated & self-directed learning, student preparation, teaching modalities, and providing feedback.

In Person - Conant Hall G02
Monday, February 27, 2023
1pm - 2pm
1 point*

Session 3: Part 6: Assessment and Grading - We will examine student assessment preparation, assessment construction and grading. Finally, we will explore how to evaluate teaching effectiveness.

In Person - Conant Hall G02
Monday, March 20, 2023
1pm - 2pm

1 point*

Session 4 Putting It All Together in Your Courses - We will discuss how you can integrate the activities and assessment approaches from this T-Sig in your courses. We will draw upon what we discussed in the three book sections we read.

In Person - Conant Hall G02
Monday, April 3, 2023
1pm - 2pm
1 point*

*Participants who complete all four components of this series will receive a CEITL T-SIG Award of Participation Certificate and receive a total of 6 Points toward the CEITL Participation Certificate (4 points for each workshop, 2 bonus points).

Promote Critical Thinking in Your Course Through Course Design and Evidence-Based Teaching Methods

Resource: Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Teachers (4th Edition) by Linda B. Nilson

This Fall 2022 T-SIG will cover half of this book. The remaining content will be covered in the Spring 2023 T-SIG. Our explorations will include topics such as group work, discussions, case studies, problem-solving, and experiential learning. Note: There is no requirement that you complete both semesters. Please register all at once or by 1 week prior to each date.

Facilitator: Lauren Kordonowy, Science of Learning Project Coordinator, CEITL

#1 Part 1: Preparation for Teaching? We will examine course design and how to integrate critical thinking throughout your course.
#2 Part 2: Tried-and-True Teaching Methods We will examine the merits of transfer appropriate practice, lecturing, discussion, experiential learning and student groups.
#3 Part 3: Inquiry-Based Methods for Solving Real-World Problems We will examine inquiry based learning, problem-based learning, and case studies.
#4 Part 4: Planning for Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Activities in your Course We will discuss how you can integrate more critical thinking and problem-solving activities in your course. We will draw upon what we discussed in the three book sections we read.

#1 Helping Your Students to Study Smarter – Not Longer or Harder: Embed Learning Activities in Your Course That Meet Your Learning Goals & Objectives

This T-SIG will cover four empirically-supported study strategies that improve student learning. For each session, we will explore a variety of learning activities related to that study strategy that you might incorporate in your courses to meet your course learning goals/objectives.

Session 1: Retrieval Practice This study strategy can help students’ retention and transfer of both discrete and conceptual knowledge.

Session 2:?Reflective Questioning This group of structured reading activities can help students to build upon their prior knowledge, guides them to draw connections between that and course content, and transfer knowledge to new and novel situations.

Session 3:?Worked Examples This study strategy can help students master problem solving and procedural understanding using worked-out solutions and step-by-step explanations. Excellent for both quantitative and qualitative mastery-building

Session 4:?Scheduling of Study We will discuss three components of study scheduling, including blocking, spacing, and interleaving of course content. This study scheduling can improve retention as well as increase course connections.

#2 STEM Research-based Learning Assessment Special Interest Group

The STEM Research-based Learning Assessment SIG is a 3-part workshop series running every other week in April. The workshop introduces a structured assessment model the 3DLAP (three-dimensional learning assessment protocol), which is a product of National Science Foundation funded projects.? You want your exams to inform you about what your students are learning?? The 3DLAP is one way to do it.

Workshop Leaders: Prof. Chris Bauer and Dr. Kathleen Bowe, specialists in STEM education research and practice from the Chemistry Dept.?

Session 1: What do 3DLAP Assessment Items Look Like?? This session introduces the model and its supporting research-based design principles. ??You will engage in deconstructing examples of test items from chemistry, biology, and other disciplines.? Discussion will also encompass identifying desirable learning outcomes and aligning assessment with those outcomes.

Session 2: Assess & Build Your Own 3DLAP Items Starting with your own assessment items or target topics, you will evaluate and refine at least one of your own assessment items using the 3DLAP model and share it to gather feedback. ?This could be for any setting: quiz, clicker in class, homework. We will also help you think through how to get feedback from students before the next workshop session.??

Session 3: Student Feedback Review At the final session, review and sharing of student insights will be followed by further action to refine and elevate additional assessment items. We will also investigate developing items that pursue the specific practices of graphical interpretation, covariational reasoning, and self-explanation (goals of NSF grant led by Prof. Bauer).