Campus Resources

Resource Category Office Type
Incident Report Form
If you have observed, experienced or been provided information about an incident of sexual harassment, and, or sexual violence, discrimination, harass...
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Civil Rights & Equity Office Campus Resources
Relay New Hampshire
A free public service for communication between standard (voice) users and persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, late-deafened, deaf-blind, and speec...
People with Disabilities Civil Rights & Equity Office Campus Resources
Office of the Registrar
Info on changing your preferred name on class rosters, dorm assignments, etc..
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Office of the Registrar Campus Resources
Northeast Passage - Living Beyond Disability
NEP empowers people living with disabling conditions, both visible and invisible, to define, pursue and achieve whole life health, community engagemen...
People with Disabilities Northeast Passage Campus Resources
Lactation resources
Lactation info and room locations
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Student
People with Disabilities, Women UNH Human Resources Campus Resources
Institute on Disability
Established at UNH in 1987 to provide a university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of peopl...
People with Disabilities Institute on Disability/UCED Campus Resources
Human Resources- work life flexibility
Workplace flexibility, child care, physical and mental health and wellness.
Women UNH Human Resources Campus Resources
Human Resources- Policies and Procedures for UNH Employees
Policies and procedures that are applicable to our employees and our organizations, departments & offices
Audience: Faculty, Staff
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women UNH Human Resources Campus Resources
Employee Assistance Program
Extension of employee benefits (use "USNH") Legal help, parenting, child care, counseling, older adult services, financial help and more.
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women University System of New Hampshire Campus Resources
Crisis and Emergency Services
Psychological and Counseling Services is sensitive and committed to diversity and the richness of human differences. Our service and training missions...
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS) Campus Resources