Faculty Statement on Diversity

In the same way in which UNH seeks to provide students with exposure to a diversity of subjects, international cultures, athletic activities, and arts, UNH has an obligation to offer its students exposure to that multicultural diversity that comprises our nation. Were UNH situated in a state with a diverse population, the normal processes of recruitment might naturally provide an educational experience which reflected the desired diversity. Alas, this is far from our situation. UNH faces special challenges. For example, UNH serves a state in which minorities are not present in large numbers: in 2000, New Hampshire had a non-white population that is one-eighth the national average. As a result, the vast majority of native New Hampshire students at UNH have had very little exposure to a plurality of voices which comprises approximately 25% of our nation's population (in 2000). Thus it is essential that UNH take significant affirmative action to recruit and retain students, faculty, and employees from such underrepresented groups. Absent this effort, we have left a serious gap in the educational program which we offer our students. With it, we may yet fully achieve our ideal of the sort of diverse educational community that is optimal for inquiry and that facilitates the emergence of cosmopolitan graduates.? (March 8, 2004,? Diversity-VIII-M8 - the Faculty Senate passed the "Statement on Diversity as a Compelling Interest") Read minutes summary

A Model for Mutual Respect
Faculty Senate Motion passed September 2017

"As campuses across the country discuss the intersection of free speech, civil discourse and campus climate, the UNH Faculty Senate has endorsed a motion aimed at encouraging mutual respect throughout the UNH community. The measure is built around a set of simple questions intended to promote open communications and honest dialogue about values, goals and expectations.

The motion acknowledges that the principles of respect may be simple to write but are challenging to put into practice day to day. So, it urges UNH students, faculty, staff and administrators to consider a series of questions to create healthy dialogue. "
Among the 17 questions are:

  • “Do I hear what you have to say?”
  • "Do I understand your point of view?"
  • “Can I pause, breathe and think before reacting?”
  • “Are my actions motivated by fear or anger?”
  • “Can you help me understand your frame of mind?”
  • “Will my response humanize or dehumanize the person?"
  • “What am I communicating non-verbally?"

Read the full motion and additional questions to establish mutual respect

Acknowledging Major Holidays and Observances
Faculty Senate Motion passed November 2018

  • Faculty Senate recommends that significant religious holidays and observances be identified on each year's academic calendar.
  • The Faculty Senate recommends that the university not schedule significant campus events on major religious holidays and/or observances.
  • The Faculty Senate recommends that course instructors include the following statement in their syllabi to address the needs of students of all faiths, "In the event that a student needs accommodation for a religious or cultural holiday/observance, that student is encouraged to make that request as early in the semester as possible.

Read the full motion and additional remarks