Social Justice Education

What is Social Justice Education?

Social Justice Education (SJE) is a professional development opportunity for UNH faculty, staff and graduate students to further diversity awareness, knowledge and skill sets allowing for critical analysis of the services we provide, and of the relational dynamics we seek in a diverse institution.? Through a series of workshops, we will explore “social justice” via personal and institutional lenses to analyze: power and privilege, discrimination and prejudice, inclusion and equity through the multiple social identities of race, gender, sexual orientation, class, nationality, ethnicity, ability (physical and mental), religion, etc. This process will include open and honest discussions, readings, and interactive/experiential activities in a respectful environment.

Here's what previous participants said about the workshop

  • A safe environment for people to start their exploration and reflection on social justice issues.
  • A conversation not a lecture where my voice and experience was valued.
  • Time well spent. ?Important work given where we are as a society.
  • A workshop that offers tools that can (and should) be used to better work with others in any context.
  • A workshop that provides great resources, eye opening perspectives and ideas to facilitate similar discussions.
  • Much needed training for everyone on campus.
  • Informative and eye opening
  • Great opportunity to become more aware of issues and walk away with tools to continue growing
  • Workshop provided an opportunity to step back from my day to day work to think about how to create a more equitable community.

When is the Next SJE Training?

Upcoming Training Sessions & Times

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Office of Community, Equity, and Diversity or TEL 603-862-1058


Custom Training for Social Justice Educators

In addition to providing Open-Enrollment Workshops, SJE is now providing Custom Trainings to fit your department or business needs. ? Workshops are offered to on-campus departments and offices as well as off-campus schools, non-profit organizations and municipalities, and for-profit businesses. ?Examples of some of the topics covered include:

  • Social Identity: ?Why what we are matters
  • Systems of Socialization
  • Checking Our Biases
  • LGBTQ Friendly Workplaces
  • Allyship
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusion and Belonging
  • So You Want to be An Anti-Racist?
  • Microaggressions

Please email us and we can begin the conversation

Fill out our customized training form and let us know how we can suit your needs.

Custom SJE Training Form

UNH Trainings

Department/Office/Group Specific
  • $1,000 for departments, offices, or groups who want up to 8 hours of training.
  • Food, room arrangements, and AV equipment will be arranged and provided by the client.
  • 2 Facilitators will be provided.
UNH Graduate Student Group
  • $500 for UNH Graduate Student Groups.
  • Food, room arrangements, and AV equipment will be arranged and provided by the client.
  • 2 Facilitators will be provided.

Off Campus, Non-UNH Trainings

Non-Profits and Municipalities (Schools, Town Hall Office, Recreation Departments, etc. Fees would also apply to USNH affiliated schools.)
  • $1,600 for up to 8 hours of training, plus travel costs to and from the site.
  • Food, room arrangements, and AV equipment will be arranged and provided by the client.
  • 2 Facilitators will be provided.
For-Profit (Corporate) Businesses
  • $3,000 for up to 8 hours of training, plus travel costs to and from the site.
  • Food, room arrangements, and AV equipment will be arranged and provided by the client.
  • 2 Facilitators will be provided.