?If you misplace your UNH ID card, we strongly ?recommend that you suspend activity immediately to ?protect your accounts. ?DIRECTIONS
To order a replacement ID card, fill out this on-line form.
There is a $25.00 replacement fee which can be paid for with Dining Dollars, Cat's Cache or the fee can be charged to your Webcat Account. If you prefer to pay by check, please come to the Dining and ID Office in room 211 of the Memorial Union Building.
We will try to make your replacement ID as quickly as possible, but it may take up to 24 hours. We will call or e-mail you when your ID is ready for pickup. If you need the ID immediately, please come to the Dining and ID Office.
Your preferred method of payment will be charged as soon as we receive this form.
Please call the Dining and ID Office at (603) 862-1821 with any questions.