Eating Well on Campus

UNH Dining can help you make good eating decisions that will satisfy your urges while keeping you on track nutritionally.

With a new Menus of Change initiative, UNH Dining is one of 37 university programs to join and is an active member on a number of work groups driving this initiative nationwide.

A key player in Healthy UNH’s commitment to make UNH the healthiest campus in the nation by 2020, UNH Dining has eliminated virtually all trans fats, introduced all natural and organic foods, and reduced our use of sodium. Our Guiding Stars nutritional program rates food based on nutritional value according to the recommendations of the FDA and the USDA. Choosing those foods is simple; just look for the stars. Foods high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and whole grains receive one to three stars for good, better, best nutritional content, with three stars denoting the best. Trans fat, saturated fats, cholesterol, added sugar and sodium impact the ratings. ??

Have dietary restrictions? We can accommodate gluten-free diets, multiple food allergies and intolerances. Just make an appointment with our registered dietitian and she will help get your nutritional needs met.?

Menus of Change Initiative

Menus of Change strives to create a dynamic, invitational network of leading university based-scholars, foodservice business leaders and executive chefs to collaborate on research and education in support of culinary-centric, evidenced-based food systems innovation within and beyond universities. The initiative?leverages the unique position of universities to advance healthier, more sustainable life-long food choices among students-who will soon be parents and adult decision-makers by connecting a diversity of insights from academic programs and dining services. ?In 2012, The Culinary Institute if America (CIA) and Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)-Department of Nutrition launched Menus of Change. By embracing the 24 principles and implementing them over time centered around Menu Concepts and General Operations and Food and Ingredients our goal is to migrate guest’s appetite towards healthy, sustainable choices. UNH Dining is one of 37 university dining programs to join the Menus of Change initiative and is an active member on a number of work groups driving this initiative nationwide. ?

Visit the Menus of Change Website

Guiding Stars Program

UNH Dining Services was pleased to become one of the first schools in the nation to partner with the Guiding Stars? Licensing Corporation to supplement our nutritional labeling to encourage healthier eating throughout our operations. Combining the Guiding Stars? rating system with product signage that identifies key information like calories, grams of fat and grams of carbohydrates provides for one of the most complete simple to use nutritional guidance programs available today.?

UNH Dining introduced the Guiding Stars? program? in an effort to inform students, faculty and staff about the most nutritious food choices. Guiding Stars? features a proprietary algorithm that rates the nutrient density of foods per 100 calories based on USDA, FDA, WHO, NAS, and other guidelines.

The ratings provide a measurement of best nutrient value for caloric intake and use a star ranking system to indicate the more nutritious food choices. (One star is good, two stars are better, and three stars are best. No Guiding Stars means the nutritional value of the food does not meet Guiding Stars' rigorous criteria).?

Since the introduction of the Guiding Stars? program, UNH Dining has been challenged to rethink ingredients and incorporate more whole grains, fruits and vegetables and fiber while reducing added salt and sugar. Early feedback has been positive and the Guiding Star? ratings are now used at our retail locations all around campus.

Visit the Guiding Stars? Website