DIY Professional Headshot Photo Booth

NEW! Do-It Yourself Professional Headshot Photo Booth?

Career and Professional Success offers free professional headshots in the form of a DIY Photo Booth to help students complete their Handshake and LinkedIn profiles!

Photo Booth Drop-In Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Hood House, Second Floor

Currently, the photo booth is open all semester during specified time frames.?Registration is NOT required; students can drop-in when it is open to take advantage of this new offering.

Please note: the photo booth is first come, first served and there may be a short line.

What to Expect

  • Dress to impress!?Headshots will be framed from the mid-chest up to showcase your face clearly.
  • Bring your phone.?You will use your own phone and the tripod provided to take your headshot.
  • Do-It-Yourself. CaPS provides the lighting, backdrop, and tripod but you do the rest!