Your Pitch

A pitch is a concise description that summarizes your career-related skills, interests, and goals. It could be delivered to a person to briefly summarize your story and engage their interest in working with you or supporting your job/internship search. The pitch should share your information and story in no more than 30 seconds.

What to include

  • What you want them to know about you (recent projects you’ve worked on, recent work experiences)
  • What distinguishes you from other students (unique skills or knowledge you have)
  • What your immediate career-related goals are (searching for an internship, research experience, or job)
  • A question or hook to start the conversation (example: “I learned recently that your company is know for [specific product, strategy, or project] and I would love to learn more about how [an intern, new employee, or research assistant] might contribute.”)

Creating a Pitch Worksheet

  • Name:
  • Major:
  • Minors/Option/Concentration:
  • Prior Relevant 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 (fieldwork, paid or unpaid experiences, civic engagement, leadership experiences, etc.):
  • What are you particularly good at (your relevant skills):
  • Goal (short-term, career-related):

Pull the above information together into a script, such as:

Hello, my name is _____. I’m pursuing my degree in _____ at UNH.? My career interests include _____ and I would someday love to _____. This year I am looking for a _____ where I can gain a well-rounded experience?and also get involved in _____. Can you tell me about your _____ and how your organization is successful doing _____?

Pro-Tip: Draft out your pitch and practice it with a friend/roommate/family/mentor before the next Career & Internship Fair!