
UNH students sitting outside on UNH campus


UNH Career and Professional Success supports?students in exploring careers for a?major, internships, job search strategies,?interview preparation, the graduate school application process,?interest assessments, and more.


  • The Wildcat Way to Professional Success
    A guide to four key career development areas?and?action steps?to build?career readiness and professional skills
  • Career Technology?
    Free online tools available 24/7?to all UNH students
  • Resources
    Templates, connections, and career advancement information
  • Events
    A variety of events to support students in building professional success

Diversity And Inclusion
Navigating workplace and hiring diversity, equity, and inclusion

student career event

Jobs, Internships, and Grad School

Real-world internship?experiences,?on-campus employment, and post-graduate opportunities.

student and employer at UNH career fair


Career Drop-in hours logo for decoration only
Career Drop-In Hours

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
1:00 - 3:00 PM

Weekly Career Drop-In Hours are a great way to get your questions answered. Drop-In Hours typically begin two weeks into each semester and continue until the last week of classes.?Online 1:1 appointments are also available?to schedule through Handshake!

  • CEPS?|?Kingsbury N111
  • CHHS?|?Hewitt 3rd Floor Lounge
  • COLA?| By Appointment only
  • COLSA?| Rudman G04
  • PAUL?|?Paul 104
  • CPS | By Appointment Only
  • DIY Professional Headshot Photo Booth?| Hood House, 2nd Floor

Please note: Drop-in services are suspended during university closures and holidays (ex. Thanksgiving week, Winter Break, Spring Break, etc...)