Funding Opportunities

There are a selection of funding opportunities available through Career and Professional Success and the university that aim to support students pursuing internship opportunities.

Class of 1967 Internship Fund

The Class of 1967 Internship Fund awards $1,000 stipends to students with?unpaid internships serving underrepresented communities.?Up to nine students will be awarded. The stipends supplement unpaid internships and their expenses and will be competitively awarded to the best suitable candidates based on the quality of the application and eligibility criteria. This is open to all undergraduate and graduate students.?


  • Internship Acceptance -?Applicants must have officially accepted an unpaid internship position for either the summer (2025) or the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • Internship Focus - The internship position must primarily focus on addressing the needs, challenges, and empowerment of underserved communities.
  • Enrollment Status - Applicants must be currently enrolled as full-time undergraduate or graduate students.
  • Post-Internship Requirements -?Students who accept stipends agree to provide a written reflection of their experience at its completion and agree to be interviewed.?

Applications are due by Sunday, April 6th, 2025 at 11:59 pm.?Award recipients will be notified by email on or before Friday, April 25th, 2025.?

Applicants may direct questions to Cayce Jones (

Apply Now


Additional Internship Funding Resources

Paul College Internship Opportunity Fund (IOF)

The Internship Opportunity Fund provides up to?$2,500 stipends?to?strengthen?the career readiness of our students and the quality of their career outcomes. It was established to help students?take advantage of high-quality internships in expensive metropolitan areas or at?non-profit, social enterprise or start-ups that may not be able to provide a stipend.

The Internship Opportunity Fund is supported by the generous contributions of the?Paul College Dean’s Advisory Board?and additional Paul College alumni and friends.

Paul College students who have secured or are awaiting news on specific summer internships should apply.

  • Students must be in?good standing with both Paul College and the university.
  • Students who have secured an internship?that is relevant to their career goals will be given priority. Students who have an internship targeted with inquires in process may also apply.
  • Internship location (company/organization) must provide a high-quality learning opportunity related to the student’s career aspirations.
  • Internship must require at least 30+ hours a week and last for at least 8 weeks. (Summer requirement only)
  • Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • Students must have attended two (2) Paul College career events before the application date.

Please contact Kim Clark, Director of Paul College Career and Professional Success at? stop by 104 Paul College.



The FUEL Fund provides $3000 stipends that can be used to support unpaid and/or lower-paying internships or housing related expenses. It assists in launching students into high-impact experiences by providing financial support for internships and internship-related expenses. We strive to support those undergraduate students who are proactively seeking experiences that contribute to their career goals while acknowledging that financial assistance may be needed to complete the experience.

  • Students must be completing an undergraduate program within CEPS.
  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • Students must have secured an internship related to their career goals and provide offer letter.
  • Students must provide documentation that the internship is unpaid?OR?paying $15/hour or less. If this information is not in the offer letter, email verification will suffice.
  • Internship must require at least 30+ hours a week and last for at least 8 weeks.
  • Students may only receive funding from the FUEL Fund once during their academic career.
  • If awarded a stipend, students must provide a 1-2-page reflection of the experience at its completion and agree to be interviewed and/or featured in CEPS/UNH materials.

Please contact Stephanie Whitney, CEPS Career Director at?



COLSA’s?SOAR Fund?is designed to assist undergraduate students with experiential learning expenses by providing stipends for internships and expenses.? Stipends may be used to supplement unpaid internships or pay for transportation to interviews and career events. The SOAR Fund is a rolling fund and accepts applications year-round. While all COLSA students are invited to apply,?applicants with financial need are strongly encouraged.

  • Students must be in good academic standing with the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and the University.
  • Students who accept stipends agree to provide a reflection of their experience at its completion and agree to be interviewed and featured in COLSA's Spotlight Series.
  • Students may only receive funding from the SOAR Fund one time during their academic career.
  • Internship Stipend:?Students must have secured an internship related to their career goals and provide documentation (e.g., signed offer letter). Please note that all the data provided will be verified.
  • Internships may be full or part-time but must be a minimum of 10 weeks in duration.
  • Career Travel Stipend:?Students to provide documentation of the event for which career-travel stipend is being requested.

Please contact?Lori Dameron?at?