Parking is subject to UNH parking regulations. Any issue not referenced in the manual is?unauthorized.?Regulations are subject to periodic revision.
University of New Hampshire Parking Regulations
Section 1. Purpose and Scope
- These regulations control motor vehicle parking on all property owned, leased, or used by the University of New Hampshire (UNH).? The act of parking a motor vehicle on University property is a privilege and implies acceptance by the owner and/or operator of the responsibility to see that the motor vehicle is parked in compliance with these regulations.
- These regulations are designed to promote the orderly and safe movement of all motor vehicles, provide for pedestrian safety, ensure free and continuous access to buildings, structures, ways, lots, parking areas and spaces, roadways, as well as access to all facilities for public safety purposes.
Section 2. Authority
- The President of the University of New Hampshire, with chief executive authority granted by the University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees under authority of New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, adopts these regulations as University policy.
- These Parking Regulations are effective immediately and will remain in force until official amendments are formally adopted, at which time the amended policy shall take precedence.? The version posted at?/transportation/parking/parking-information/unh-parking-regulations-manual, as edited by UNH Transportation Services, ?shall be considered the latest amended version.
Section 1. Campus Resident? Any individual residing in University owned and operated housing facilities.
Section 2. Car/Van Pool? Any group, comprised of two or more individuals, who are eligible to purchase parking permits to utilize designated parking areas on the University of New Hampshire.
Section 3.? Citation? A notice, either a warning or ticket, upon which a Transportation Services or Police Department employee records an occurrence involving a parking regulation violation.?
Section 4.? Commuter Student? Any student residing in other than housing owned and operated by the University of New Hampshire in Durham.? For purposes of issuing parking permits, only commuter students living more than one (1) mile from campus and at least one-quarter (.25) miles from a Campus Connector /in-town Durham Transit stop (or equivalent 3rd party bus service) are eligible to obtain a commuter parking permit.
Section 5.? Crosswalk? That part of a way at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalk of the opposite sides of the way measured from the curbs, or in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traversable way in an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing in lines or other markings on the surface.?
Section 6. Faculty? Faculty employee status shall meet the description of Academic Faculty as defined by the University System of New Hampshire policy manual, Section USY.V.C.6.
Section 7.? Fire Lane? Any paved area near a university building, or leading to a university building, and/or an area near a fire hydrant, marked by a sign and/or yellow pavement striping, indicating an area that must be kept free and clear of all obstructions to enable access by emergency vehicles.
Section 8. Illegally Parked? For the purpose of defining an illegally parked vehicle on the UNH campus, the following shall pertain:? Any vehicle not parked in a designated parking space, as described in Section 14, or in violation of the restrictions and limitations presented herein, will be considered to be parked illegally and be subject to enforcement as described herein.? Furthermore, any vehicle that has four or more outstanding fines beyond the appeal process period and parked on UNH property shall be considered illegally parked and also subject to the enforcement policy.? Any vehicle parked without a valid permit when one is required or parked or in an a metered area with an unpaid or expired meter session is subject to enforcement.? Any vehicle belonging to an owner whose parking privileges have been revoked that is parked on UNH property shall be considered illegally parked and be subject to the enforcement policy.?
Section 9. Motorcycle/Moped?Any motorized 2-wheeled cycle or scooter that needs to be registered with a state Motor Vehicle Department is a motorcycle/moped.? Any motorized cycle capable of up to 30mph and/or with a piston displacement of up to 50cc are mopeds; over 30mph and/or 51cc and over are motorcycles.? Side-car, 3-wheel, or other custom oversized cycles must be permitted and parked as 4-wheel vehicles.
Section 10.? Overnight? For the purposes of parking, overnight describes parking for any length of time between midnight to 7 a.m., inclusive.?
Section 11.? Owner? For the purposes of enforcement, billing and collection of fines, the “owner” shall include vehicle operator, registrant or most recent registrant of record, parking permit registrant, temporary parking permit holder, owner, and/ or student or other individual recording an association at the owner’s residence.? Furthermore, a UNH student, faculty or staff member hosting a visitor to campus may be held liable for any parking fines and violations issued on the vehicle(s) operated by their guest(s).? In all cases, the owner shall have full responsibility for adherence to these regulations, including liability for any fines and penalties imposed herein.? The university reserves the right to speak or otherwise communicate with any owners as defined in this section regarding matters pertaining to the associated parking account, including but not limited to fines, payments, appeals, permit status, vehicle disposition (e.g. condition, location, relocation, towing status, etc.).
Section 12.? Parking? The standing of a vehicle, either occupied or not, unless obeying an officer, traffic sign or signal, or while actively making emergency repairs (operators of disabled vehicles should contact Transportation Services immediately to agree to terms for leaving/moving the vehicle).?
Section 13.? Parking Meter? A regulatory device or system that must be paid to obtain usage of a certain parking space for a prescribed period of time.? Parking meters, which include pay station kiosks and virtual metering zone systems, are installed to provide parking for short periods of time, primarily to serve visitors to UNH.? Parking at meters is limited to one full cycle of the maximum time allowed on the meter/zone.? Continual “feeding” of meters is prohibited.? Meter parking is only valid at the space or lot governed by the meter or kiosk, or zone where the meter payment was made.
Section 14.? Parking Space? A unit of space, duly marked (lines painted on a paved surface) for the purpose of providing space for one vehicle.? All vehicles parked on UNH property must park within a space, except where explicitly allowed or directed.? An ADA/Accessible parking space shall include any hash-marked “access-aisle” adjacent to the space, designed for maneuvering a wheelchair or other mobility device while entering or exiting a vehicle.
Section 15.? Parking Violations Notice? A “citation” or “ticket” upon which a Transportation Service or Police Department employee records a violation of a parking rule or regulation (non-moving violation) by the vehicle cited.?
Section 16.? Parking Violations Record? A copy of the citation or an electronically produced ticket will be placed on the violator’s vehicle.? Transportation Services will keep a record of all parking violations (see Article X).? The violation will be recorded and applied whether or not the violator’s copy is found or acknowledged by the owner.
Section 17.? Sidewalk??The paved area for pedestrian traffic alongside a vehicle roadway, or any pedestrian walkway.?
Section 18.? Staff? Employees? Staff employee status shall meet the description of one of the non-student employee relationships defined by the University System of New Hampshire policy manual, Section USY.V.C.6.
Section 19.? Student? Student status shall be defined within the Student Rights, Rules and Responsibilities, Article I, Definitions, Paragraph 26.? Student employee status shall be defined by the University System of New Hampshire policy, Section USY.V.C.6.
Section 20. Vehicle? Any mechanical device in, upon, or by which any person or properties is or may be transported or drawn upon a way, excepting devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or track.
Section 21.? Visitor? For purposes of parking, any person, other than a student, employee, and contractor employed through a contract with UNH, or commercial vendor licensed to do business on campus, which parks a motor vehicle on UNH property shall be considered a visitor.? All visitors parking on UNH property must do so in accordance with these parking regulations.?? Visitors must park in designated visitor areas (with permit), or at paid parking meters/zones.? Visitors may also park in available spaces in lots where and when permit enforcement hours are not in effect.
Section 22. Way? For the purposes of this document, a way shall constitute any highway, street, avenue, road, alleyway, park or parking lot that has been designated for public use.
Section 1. General? It will be the duty of Transportation Services to enforce, and establish procedures to enforce the provisions of these regulations, and make recommendations to amend the same.?? To expedite special events or public safety concerns, this office may direct parking as the situation requires, notwithstanding the provisions of these regulations.
Section 2.? Restricted Parking/Closing of Parking Lots.
- The Director of Transportation Services or designees are authorized to permit, limit, or prohibit parking on any parking lot, area, space, land, or parts thereof when in their discretion such action is necessary because of an existing condition or event (see Article VIII, section 3).? Prior notice of such circumstances will be posted.
- The Director of Transportation or designees is authorized to close temporarily any parking lot for reasons similar to those noted in Part A, above.
Section 3.? Use of University Parking Lots??University parking lots are provided for the intended use of parking.? Permission for any other use, i.e. parades, vendors, races, fairs, displays, or other purposes must be obtained in writing from the Director of Transportation Services or designee, at least ten work days prior to the event.
Section 4. ?University Police Department? The University Police Department, under the direction of the Chief of UNH Police, shall, in addition to the responsibilities of that office to enforce and control any moving traffic on university ways, is also authorized to issue citations to enforce the University parking regulations contained herein
Section 1.? Registration/Payment Requirement
- Except where Open Parking regulations apply (see Article IV Section 10), all vehicles parking on University property must obtain and display a valid lot-appropriate parking permit, or be parked in a paid parking meter area.? Faculty/staff and commuter lots require the displaying of a valid lot-appropriate permit Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding?university holidays.? Campus resident lots and reserved parking spaces require the displaying of a valid lot-appropriate permit 24 hours per day, every day, including?university holidays.? The metered areas within Sage, Campus Crossing, Edgewood, College Road, and Thompson Hall visitor lots require meter payment from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. seven days a week, excluding?university holidays; Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. excluding?university holidays?at other metered areas.? Registration/payment requirements are in effect throughout the year.
- In most cases, extended permits or renewals will be issued by the semester (fall, spring, summer) or year (July 1 through June 30 or September 1 through August 31), depending on parking permit category, to eligible applicants based on space availability.? Such permit sales/renewals will be conducted by Transportation Services.
Section 2.? Parking Priorities
- Parking at UNH will follow a permitting priority schedule that supports the missions of the University--teaching, research and public service. The priority is established as follows:
- Faculty/Staff and affiliated personnel.
- Commuter Students (outside a one mile radius of Thompson Hall and at least .25 miles from a Campus Connector/in-town Durham Transit stop or equivalent 3rd party bus stop).
- Resident Students: Limited parking permits for campus resident students are issued according to a structured distribution process. Opportunities exist for priorities according to class rank, order of application arrival, etc., and are subject to deadlines and restrictions. No campus resident is entitled to a parking permit. (see Article V, Section 13).
- Visitors
- Students residing in off-campus housing within the commuter ineligibility zone (see section item b, above).
Section 3. Eligibility
- In addition to the permit eligibility requirements established within Article V, Transportation Services shall establish procedures for and limits to permit sales/renewals.
- Each applicant for a parking permit must possess a valid driver’s license, a valid motor vehicle registration, a valid vehicle inspection sticker, and must have no outstanding parking tickets over fourteen days old.
- Parking vehicles on University property is limited to specifically designated areas and spaces and a valid parking permit appropriately affixed must be displayed in or on the vehicle.
- Permission to operate a vehicle on University property is a privilege granted by the University and as such may be denied, removed, or suspended by the Director of Transportation Services or designee.
- Qualified applicants may obtain a parking permit by completing the application form available from Transportation Services or using the on-line application service.? Unless specifically authorized, no person may obtain, hold or display more than one valid permit at a time.? Persons who falsify information to obtain a permit or display an altered, unauthorized, counterfeit, fraudulent, or unauthorized additional parking permit(s) will be subject to a fine, towing at owner’s expense, and/or impoundment of vehicle and revocation of their campus parking privileges.
- Persons whose eligibility to hold a particular category of permit changes or ends before the scheduled expiration of that permit are no longer eligible to hold or use said permit, and the permit is void.? In some cases, the permit may be exchanged for a different category of permit, on an availability status.? Those who use a permit for which they are no longer eligible are subject to a fine.
Section 4. Parking Fees? Recurrent parking permit fees are as follows:
During the summer session, matriculated students holding jobs on campus but not enrolled in summer classes will ordinarily be eligible for summer commuter permits only.
- Permit fees:
Faculty/Staff $75.00 Commuter Students?? $75.00 Fall/Spring Semester Resident Student ? $550.00 or $400.00 Single Semester Resident Student $330.00 or $240.00 Day Passes?? ? $6.00 or $10.00 General contractors? $75.00 Service, Vendor, Remote Facility?? ?$75.00 Motorcycle?or Moped ?? $90.00 Emergency Services????????? $75.00 ?Volunteer???? $75.00 Remote Facility?? $75.00 Hall Director Reserved? $475.00 Departmental ? $1,025.00 Reserved Parking (Presidential Approval) $1,025.00 Storage trailer $35.00 to $1000.00 - Faculty/staff permits may be prorated by 50% when purchased between March 1 and August 31, but cannot be credited or refunded for partial-term use.? Student permits may be prorated or refunded upon eligible request and according to strict limits.
- All other permit fees will neither be prorated nor refunded for partial-term use.
- Faculty, staff and students participating in summer sessions, who have no other valid permit, are required to purchase a permit at the following rates:
Summer Faculty/Staff? $50.00 Student Summer* $50.00 Summer Maintenance Contractor $50.00 Summer Motorcycle?or Moped $50.00 *During the summer session, matriculated or just-graduated students holding jobs on campus but not enrolled in summer classes will ordinarily be eligible for Student Summer permits only. ? - Holders of valid faculty/staff, commuter, or emeritus permits may obtain one motorcycle or one moped permit at no additional charge (normal rate for additional motorcycle or moped permit), but may not park more than one vehicle on campus at one time.? Motorcycle and moped permits, including those issued with an emeritus permit, are subject to the normal expiration dates.
- Daily permits are sold to visitors and attendees of workshops, conferences, seminars, institutes, special events and short non-credit courses.? The rate is up to $10.00 per day per vehicle.? The fee may be arranged in advance, and paid by the attendee or by the department hosting the program.
Section 5.? Expiration of Parking Permit
- Permits expire as printed or written on the permit and/or permit literature, or announced policy revision, or upon an individual’s termination (of employment, enrollment, etc.) with the University.
- Contractor permits expire at the conclusion of the construction project or on August 31st, whichever is sooner.? Service and Vendor permits expire at the conclusion of a contracted vendor service or on August 31st, whichever is sooner.
Section 6.? Transferability? University parking permits are not transferable to other individuals.? The intended use of a parking permit is only for the person to whom the permit was issued.?
Section 7.? Revocation of Parking Privileges or Permits
- University parking privileges and/or permits may be revoked or suspended by the Director of Transportation or designee for the following reasons:
- Accumulation of four or more unpaid citations.
- Chronic or habitual violations of parking regulations, regardless of payment status.
- Possession or use of a stolen or lost permit, or the altering of a parking permit.
- At the discretion of the Director of Transportation or designee for any just cause.
Section 8.? Lost/Stolen Permits
- It is the responsibility of the permit holder to secure his/her permit.? Lost or stolen permits should be reported to Transportation Services immediately.? Depending on the circumstances, a temporary permit may be issued while efforts are made to recover the lost/stolen permit.? If the permit is not recovered, a replacement permit may be issued with applicable replacement fee.? If the permit is recovered after the replacement is issued, it shall be returned to Transportation Services.
- A fine will be assessed and possible legal and/or disciplinary action initiated to the user or registered owner of a vehicle displaying a permit that has been reported lost or stolen.
Section 9.? Failure to Register and Properly Display
- Failure to apply for, obtain, and properly use and display a valid parking permit while parked on University property will subject the vehicle operator or registered owner to enforcement measures.? Such measures shall include the issuance of a citation and a fine and/or removal of the vehicle from University property.
- Decal-type permits must be affixed to the lower, driver-side portion of the vehicle’s front windshield using the decal’s own front adhesive.? Hang-tag type permits must be suspended from the inside rear-view mirror in the front windshield so that the permit number may be clearly seen from the outside.? If a vehicle doesn’t have a rear-view mirror, the hang-tag must be clearly displayed on the driver’s side dashboard.? Placard permits must be clearly displayed on the driver’s side dashboard.? Motorcycle permit stickers must be affixed to the front left wheel fork or similarly prominent front-left space.?
Section 10.? Open Parking
- Except where excluded (see below) there is no permit requirement in Faculty/Staff and Commuter lots or metered spaces after 6:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. on weekdays or all day on weekends or?university holidays.? Continual (semi-permanent storage), protracted (more than 60 consecutive hours), or excessive overnight (more than 15 instances per year) parking in these areas without specific permission from Transportation Services is not allowed.
- Exclusions to this policy:
- When the lots or portions thereof are reserved and/or blocked off for a special event or circumstance.
- During the winter parking ban, the period of open parking concludes immediately at midnight in all but lots specifically exempted under the winter parking ban policies (see Article VIII)
- Resident parking lots, mixed-use lots that include resident parking, service spaces, ADA/accessible spaces, and reserved spaces have a permit requirement 24 hours a day, every day.? Time limits on designated timed/loading spaces are likewise enforced 24/7.
- The metered parking areas at Sage Way, Edgewood Road, Campus Crossing, College Road, and Thompson Hall visitor lots require payment from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., seven days a week (open thereafter, except where other exclusions apply).
- During other circumstances at the discretion of the Director of Transportation Services.
Section 1.??Commuter Permit
- Commuter Permits are restricted to UNH commuter students residing one (1) mile or more from the UNH Durham campus and at least one-quarter (.25) miles from a Campus Connector or in-town bus stop (or equivalent 3rd party transit service stop) and are valid only in lots designated for commuter parking.? UNH Law and UNH Manchester commuter permits are valid in Lot A and West Edge Lot only.? City of Manchester-issued or other non-campus permits issued to UNHM students, and Plymouth State University and Keene State College student permits are not valid anywhere at UNH Durham.
- After-midnight parking for commuter permit holders during the Winter Parking Ban limits parking to designated overnight parking lots (see Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 2.??Contractor Permits
- Contractor permits are required for and limited to general contractors and subcontractors who are doing business with the University.
- Contractors are responsible for the purchase, issuance and instructions for use of these permits to their subcontractors.
- Contractor permits are valid only inside construction sites and specifically designated parking areas.? These parking areas may be established in any campus parking area, based on availability, at the discretion of Director of Transportation Services.
- Contractor permits will not be issued to University employees or others who possess, or are eligible to possess another category of parking permit as herein defined.
- After-midnight parking for vehicles with displayed contractor permits during the winter parking ban is limited to within construction sites or in areas authorized by the Director of Transportation Services.
Section 3.? EMS Permit?? Ambulance service permits are issued to the local Ambulance corps and are valid only at the Ambulance Building during actual emergencies.
Section 4.??Emergency Services Permit
- Emergency Services permits are limited to emergency services personnel employed by the Durham Fire Department, University Police Department, and the Emergency Dispatch Center.
- These permits are valid in the Emergency Lot (behind Zais Hall), the parking lot assigned to Fire personnel (adjacent to the Ambulance building), and the lot assigned to the Police Department.? These permits may also be used in standard Faculty/Staff spaces.
- After-midnight parking for vehicles with Emergency Services permits during the winter ban limits parking to designated overnight lots and Emergency Services areas (see Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 5.? Emeritus Permit? Emeritus permits may be issued at no charge to faculty upon whom the USNH Board of Trustees has officially conferred Emeritus status, or selected staff upon approval of the President. This permit is valid in all faculty/staff parking lots, and may be used to park at parking meters/zones without charge for up to one cycle of the maximum time allowed by the meter governing the space.
Section 6.? Faculty/Staff Permits
- Faculty/Staff permits are restricted to UNH Faculty and Staff members.
- These permits are valid in designated Faculty/Staff parking areas only (see Article VI).
- After-midnight parking for Faculty/Staff permit holders during the Winter Parking Ban limits parking to designated overnight lots (see Article VIII, Section 1).? Qualified holders of “Third Shift” faculty/staff permits are entitled to limited exemption to the Winter Parking Ban.
- Tenants of University housing (campus dorms and apartments) are not eligible to obtain a Faculty/Staff parking permit.
- Faculty/staff permits purchased at UNH Manchester & UNH Law are valid in Durham campus faculty/staff lots.? Faculty/staff permits from Plymouth State University and Keene State College are likewise honored in Durham faculty/staff lots.? City of Manchester-issued permits and other non-campus permits issued to employees are not valid anywhere at UNH Durham.
Section 7.? Forest Park Permit
(Section removed, See Article V, Sec. 13)
Section 8.? ADA/Accessible Permit (fka Handicap Permit)
- The University of New Hampshire does not issue ADA/Accessible parking permits. State-issued walking disability plates and/or placards are required in all UNH ADA/Accessible spaces.
- The use of a state-issued walking disability plate or placard in University lots or spaces must be accompanied by a University-issued permit, e.g. faculty/staff permit, commuter sticker, visitor hang-tag, etc., for which the user is eligible. In designated ADA/Accessible spaces, the accompanying permit may be any valid permit. In standard, non-accessible spaces, the accompanying valid permit must be appropriate for that lot.
- Holders of state-issued walking disability plates or placards may park for free at unreserved parking metered areas or visitor spaces in the T-Lot, Sage Way, Edgewood Road, College Road, or Campus Crossing visitor areas,up to the maximum number of hours the meter/zone or visitor permit, if fully paid for one cycle, would allow. The person to whom the plate/placard is issued must be in the car when it is being parked.
- After-midnight parking with walking disability plates/placards during the winter ban periods is limited to designated overnight lots and ADA/accessible spaces (see Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 9.? Motorcycle and Moped Permits
- Motorcycle Permits and Moped permits are distinct permits issued to any eligible faculty/staff or commuter student for parking a motorcycle or moped. Commuter student eligibility "proximity" restrictions apply for motorcycle permits (See Article II, Sec. 4), but not for moped permits. Moped permits are limited by availability. Non-freshman campus residents may purchase a motorcycle or moped permit, but will not be entitled to a permit for any other vehicle.
- Motorcycle permits are valid in designated motorcycle parking areas only. Moped permits are valid in designated moped parking areas only.? Motorcycle permits are not valid in moped areas and vice-versa. These permits are not valid at metered parking spaces. Motorcycles may park in metered parking spaces by payment of the required parking meter fee and according to the regulation of metered spaces (see Article II, Section 13). Motorcycles and mopeds may not park in standard parking spaces for other passenger vehicles. Mopeds and motorcycles are prohibited from parking at bike racks or other non-designated areas.
- After-midnight parking for motorcycles during the winter parking ban limits parking to designated overnight lots. All moped parking areas, including those in designated overnight lots, are closed to after-midnight parking during the Winter Parking Ban (see Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 10.? Recreation Pass Permit
- “Rec Pass” permits are issued to holders of current Recreation Passes (issued by the Department of Recreational Sports) who are not UNH students or employees.
- Recreation Pass Permits are valid only in Lot A or the West Edge Lot.
Section 11.??Remote Facility Permit
- Remote Facility Permits may be issued to off-campus offices, departments, and other units affiliated to the University of New Hampshire, for infrequent travel to campus on university business.
- These permits may be shared among eligible employees of the unit to which the permit is assigned.
- Unless approved by the Director of Transportation or designee, only one Remote Facility permit shall be assigned to any off campus unit.
- These permits are valid in any Faculty/Staff parking areas only (See Article VI).
- After-midnight parking for Remote Facility permit holders during the Winter Parking Ban limits parking to designated overnight lots (see Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 12.? Reserved Permits and Spaces
- General?- All reserved spaces required a reserved parking permit twenty four (24) hours a day, every day.
- Residence Hall Directors
- Residence ?Hall Directors permits are only valid in reserved Hall Director spaces, and are available only to Residence Hall Directors and Assistant Hall Directors. Resident Assistants are not eligible for reserved parking.
- Where no other parking regulations supersede, a qualified Resident Hall Director may discretionarily allow access to his/her assigned parking permit/space by a qualified co-inhabitant of his/her apartment, or other, but will not be guaranteed any additional parking space.
- Presidentially Approved
- Reserved parking permits and spaces may be issued to employees by prior approval from the President of the University or designee.
- All approved reserved parking applicants shall pay the appropriate permit fee and shall be assigned a reserved parking space at a location designated by the Director of Transportation Services. Reserved parking fees may not be paid for by use of University funds and must be paid for by personal funds of the applicant.
- Reserved parking permits are only valid for parking in the reserved parking space assigned to the permit holder.
- Departmental
- Department Chairs and Directors may apply to the Director of Transportation Services for a reserved parking space for departmental use.? Departmental Reserved Parking is limited by space availability.
- All approved departmental reserved parking applicants shall pay the appropriate reserved space fee and shall be assigned a reserved parking space at a location designated by the Director of Transportation Services. Reserved parking fees may be paid by use of University funds.
- Limited Departmental Visitor permits shall not come with a reserved space but shall be used as designated by Transportation Services.
Section 13.??Resident Permits
- Resident permits are restricted to eligible students residing in campus housing.
- Permits are limited by availability. When circumstances require, resident permits may be issued according to a priority distribution schedule or other process other than first-come-first-served. Freshmen campus residents are not eligible for parking permits of any kind.
- Certain resident permit sub-categories are limited to residents of a specific dorm(s) or apartment complexes:
- Gables Permits, issued to eligible students residing in the Gables Apartments, with parking restricted to the Gables parking lot.
- Woodside Permits, issued to eligible students residing in the Woodside Apartments, with parking restricted to the Woodside parking lot.
- Resident East Permits, issued to eligible students residing in any residence hall excluding Woodside & Gables apartments, with parking restricted to E, E1, E2 and Evergreen lots.
- Resident West permits, issued to eligible students of any residence hall or campus apartment complex, with parking restricted to the West Edge Lot, Mast Road Lot, or Mathes Lot.
- Vehicles with resident permits parked in areas designated for other permit categories are subject to enforcement procedures.
- Campus residents may not use a UNH Manchester of UNH Law permit on the Durham campus.
- Permits for Junior, Senior, or Graduate non-residents residing within the commuter ineligibility zone may be issued for lot(s) to be designated each year. Users follow the same general guidelines as resident permit holders, and like campus residents are limited to one vehicle only.
Section 14.? Service Permit
- Service permits are limited to service personnel employed by the University of New Hampshire, not residing on campus.
- Applications for this type of permit must be accompanied by documentation signed by the Dean or Vice President of the unit in which the applicant is employed. Documentation is subject to annual renewal.
- Service Permits are valid in designated service spaces for a maximum of two hours. Service permits are also valid in faculty/staff lots.
- After-midnight parking of vehicles with service permits during the winter parking ban limits parking to service spaces or designated overnight parking areas (see Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 15.? Temporary Permits
- Temporary permits may be issued to visitors, students, or employees by Transportation Services under a variety of circumstances.
- Temporary permits are limited by availability of parking space.
- Depending on the circumstances of the temporary permit issuance, the daily rate of up to $10.00 may apply.
- The temporary permit is valid in the location and for the duration specifically indicated on the temporary permit.
Section 16.??Trustee Permit
- Trustee permits are limited to USNH Trustees and individuals designated in writing by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
- These permits are valid in all legal parking lots and spaces including metered parking spaces, but excluding campus resident spaces, ADA/accessible spaces, service spaces, and reserved spaces. Trustees wishing to park in excluded areas are subject to obtaining a permit for those areas, subject to the normal regulations.? Trustee permits may not be used for extended/storage/residential parking in any lot or space.
- After-midnight parking for Trustee permits during the winter parking ban limits parking to designated overnight lots (see Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 17.??Vendor Permits
Vendor permits are limited to individuals or companies not employed or affiliated with the University, but who are on campus to do occasional contracted services, e.g. servicing existing campus equipment.? These permits are valid in service spaces for a maximum of two hours, or in Faculty/Staff lots.
Section 18.??Visitor Permits
- Visitor permits are restricted to visitors of the University.
- Visitor permits are valid for the specific date/time and parking lot specified on the permit.
Section 19.??Volunteer Permits
- Volunteer permits are limited to UNH volunteer departmental workers (volunteers to student organizations and non-affiliated organizations doing business on campus are excluded).
- Documentation from the UNH organization sponsoring the volunteer must be provided at the time of application. The sponsoring department is responsible for recovering and returning volunteer permits that are no longer needed.
- UNH employees and students do not qualify for this type of permit.
- Volunteer permits are valid in Faculty/Staff parking spaces.
Section 1.??Faculty & Staff parking lots:
- B Lot
- Ballard Street
- Barton/Cole Lot
- Brook Way
- CATV Lot
- D Lot
- Dairy Barn
- Equine Lot
- F Lot
- Farm Services
- Field House East
- Field House West
- G Lot
- Gregg Hall Lot
- Grounds & Roads Lot
- H Lot (designated section)
- Horse Barns
- J Lot
- Jackson Lab
- Kingman Farm
- Leavitt Lane
- Moiles House
- N Lot
- Ocean Engineering
- Okane Farm
- P Lot
- Philbrook
- S Lot
- Service Road
- Strafford Ave (note: Strafford LOT not available to Fac/staff parking
- WCA Lot
Section 2. ?Commuter parking lots
- G1 Lot
- M Lot
- Moiles Lot
Section 3.?Resident Lots
- E/E1/E2 & Evergreen Lots
- Gables Lot
- Woodside Lot
- Strafford Lot
Section 4.?Mixed-Use Lots (eligible permits)
- A Lot (fac/staff & commuter permits)
- S Lot (fac/staff & commuter permits)
- Mast Road? (fac/staff, resident west & commuter permits)
- Mathes Lot (fac/staff, resident west, & commuter permits)
- West Edge (fac/staff, commuter & resident west permits)
Section 5.?Timed Lots/Spaces:
- Academic Way
- Ballard Loop
- College Road Visitor Lot
- DeMeritt Circle
- Depot Road
- Edgewood Road Visitor Lot
- Field House Front
- Library Way West
- Campus Crossing Visitor Lot
- Morrill Hall
- Morse Pad
- Quad Way
- R Lot
- Sage Way Visitor Lot
- Service Lot
- T Lot
Section 6.??Off-category parking within classified lots; non-category areas.? Many lots with a primary classification will include a certain number of spaces of with a different classification, e.g.? metered spaces or load zone.? With such spaces, the specific space designation is the prevailing regulator, not to be over-ridden by the lot’s primary classification.? Some areas are comprised solely of spaces with specific designation, with no lot classification.
Section 7.??Non-designated areas.??Areas and spaces not designated for campus parking are in most cases not considered legal parking areas, or else not part of the parking governance.
Section 8. ?Changes to Classification.??? The classification of campus parking lots and areas, including areas not normally designated for parking, is subject to change on a temporary, extended, or permanent basis.
Section 1.?General
- No persons will allow or permit any vehicle under their supervision/control to stand or park on University property in violation of these regulations.
- Any vehicle found in violation of these regulations shall be considered illegally parked.
- The operator, registrant, and/or “registered owner” of each vehicle has full responsibility for adherence to these regulations, including any fines or penalties imposed.
Section 2.??Abandoned or Unregistered Vehicles
- Transportation Services will use reasonable judgment in an attempt to locate the owner of vehicles suspected of being abandoned or unregistered, prior to their removal from University property.
- Motor vehicles with evidence of abandonment or non-registration in parking lots or other University property will be towed away at the owner’s risk and expense.
- Any vehicles found without a valid license plate will be considered abandoned and removed from UNH property at the owner’s risk and expense.
Section 3.??Operating Condition of Motor Vehicles? Every motor vehicle parked on University property must be kept in condition of mechanical repair so that it can be moved at any time under its own power.? Inoperative vehicles parked on campus may be ticketed and towed from University property at the owner’s risk and expense.
Section 1.?Winter Parking Ban
- The Winter Parking Ban (WPB) shall ordinarily commence each year on January 2 at 12:00 a.m., and shall ordinarily end at 6:00 a.m. on March 31. If conditions warrant, the starting and ending date can be changed with public announcement. During the WPB, parking is restricted during the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. nightly, regardless of weather conditions. Parking for all motor vehicles, unless otherwise specified by Transportation Services, is prohibited in all parking lots and/or spaces, except for those specified in “B”, "C", and conditionally in “D”, below. The WPB will be in effect to facilitate snow removal operations. Vehicles parked in prohibited areas during the Winter Parking Ban will be issued a citation and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
- Exempt Lots.? The parking lots and areas where parking is permitted during the WPB are (with permit considerations, and with the exclusion of moped parking areas within):
- Lots E, E1,? E2, Evergreen Lot (Resident East permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Woodside Lot (Woodside permit required, 24 hours/7 days)
- Emergency Services Lot (Emergency Service permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Hall Director Spaces (residing Hall Director’s permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Health Services Patient/Physician Reserved Spaces (Health Services permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Mast Road & Mathes Lots (eligible permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Gables Lot (Gables permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Lot A, Sections 3 & 4 only (no permit required until 7:00 a.m. the following weekday) (Sections 1-2 not exempt)
- West Edge Lot (permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Sage Way Visitor Lot (no permit required until 7:00 a.m. the following weekday)
- Service spaces (eligible permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- ADA/accessible spaces (eligible permit required 24 hours/7 days)
- Any of the above lots may be temporarily unexempted and subject to Winter Ban enforcement for plowing or other situational purposes.
- The following lots will be open until 2:00 a.m. every night:? Edgewood Road Visitor Lot, College Road Visitor Lot, Lot H, and the Thompson Hall Lot. Normal permit requirements resume at 7:00 a.m. the following weekday.
- Weather-Conditional Lots. On nights where no snow emergency is declared, parking is available without a permit in Lot B and the Campus Crossing Visitor Lot from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. In the event a snow emergency is declared, Lot B will close immediately at midnight, and the Campus Crossing Visitor Lot will close at 2:00 a.m. Normal permit requirements resume at 7:00 a.m. the following weekday.
- It is the responsibility of the motorist to ascertain the status of the Winter Parking Ban, and the weather-conditional lots. Normal daytime permit regulations resume at 7:00 a.m. following weekday unless otherwise declared.
Section 2.??Resident Halls—Special Provisions? During the designated move-in and move-out periods, e.g. the beginning of fall semester and the end of Spring Semester, special provisions may be made or obtained for parking while loading and unloading belongings.? Such provisions are at the direction of the Director of Transportation Services, and are not normally extended at other times of the year.
Section 3.??Special Events Parking? From time to time a special event, conference, workshop, institute, construction project, reconfiguration of campus parking, or other such activity may cause the reservation, closure, or reclassification of part or the whole of a campus lot.? During such occasions, the classifications and/or availability of campus lots or spaces within are subject to change.?
Section 4.??Residing in a vehicle.??Residing in a vehicle parked on campus, temporarily or otherwise, is prohibited without the explicit permission of the University Police Department.?
Section 1.??General
- Vehicles found in violation of the provisions of these regulations or parked in a manner that constitutes an unsafe condition may, at the direction of the Director of Transportation Services or designee and at the risk and expense of the owner/operator, have their vehicles moved, immobilized and/or removed from University property.
- Release of vehicles immobilized or towed will be subject to the payment in full of all outstanding fines, towing/immobilization fees, storage/release fees, or other such conditions set by the Director of Transportation Services.? Unless otherwise authorized,? payments for debts associated with immobilization (booting) must done, with evidence presented to the parking office, between 7:30 a.m. and? 3:30 pm (weekdays) for the vehicle to be released the same day.
- Parking in any of the following areas or under any of the following circumstances will constitute a violation of provisions of these regulations and may result in immobilization and/or towing of the offending vehicle:
- Parked or obstructing any lane of traffic, neutral area, no-parking area, access way, ramp, driveway, reserved space or public way.
- Parked or obstructing any entrances or exits to any building.
- Parked or obstructing any area designated as reserved for fire, ambulance, police or other emergency vehicle.
- Parked or obstructing any area designated as reserved parking spaces.
- Parked in violation of the Winter Parking Ban (see Article VIII, Section 1).
- Parked or obstructing any bus stop, bus stop access or egress.
- Parked or obstructing any designated Loading Zone beyond the maximum designated time limit, or using a designated Loading Zone for purposes other than loading/unloading.
- Parked or obstructing any fire lane or fire zone.
- Parked in or obstructing any ADA/accessible space, except those displaying valid walking disability permits/placards.
- Parked on or obstructing any sidewalk, pedestrian crosswalk or curbcut.
- Parked or obstructing dumpsters.
- Parked or obstructing snow removal operations.
- Parked in a posted tow zone.
- Parked or obstructing special event equipment or arrangements.
- Abandoned or unregistered vehicles.
- Parked after revocation of parking privileges.
- Parked while displaying an unauthorized, counterfeit, or altered permit.
- Parked without a valid UNH parking permit and/or authorization to park in a University lot or space.
- Parked illegally so as to obstruct any legally parked vehicle.
- Parked on UNH property with four or more outstanding tickets and/or fines totaling or exceeding $150.00.
- Towing, moving, or the use of the autoboot on vehicles made necessary by any of the circumstances above need not be preceded by any warning, advisory, billing statement, etc. other than the regulations herein stated.
- Under certain circumstances, vehicles may also be towed or otherwise moved if it is determined by the Director of Transportation Services or designee that doing so is necessary for the safe and effective provision of University parking.
Section 1.??Violation Categories and Fines
Category | Fine |
A.? Failure to display permit | $10.00 |
B.? Meter Stay limit | $10.00 |
C.? Expired Meter | $30.00 |
D.? Parked over the line | $25.00 |
E.? Wrong side of the street | $25.00 |
F.? Timed Zone over limit | $75.00 |
G.? No valid permit | $60.00 |
H.? Chronic Offender Fine | $50.00 |
I.?? Auto-boot/Towing Fine | $50.00 |
J.? Winter Parking Ban | $75.00 |
K.? On Crosswalk/Sidewalk | $50.00 |
L.? Not in Authorized Space | $50.00 |
M.? Off paved surface | $100.00 |
N.? In Reserved Space/Lot | $100.00 |
O.? Fire Lane/Fire Hydrant | $100.00 |
P.? Tow Zone | $50.00 |
Q.? ADA/Accessible (fka Handicap) Space | $200.00 |
R.? Parking After Revocation | $200.00 |
S.? Altered/Falsified Permit | $300.00 |
T.? Illegal Obtaining/Use of Permit | $400.00 |
U.? Unauthorized removal from impound | $500.00 |
V.? Unauthorized removal of auto boot | $500.00 |
W. Excessive overnighting by Non-resident | $75.00 |
Section 2.??Miscellaneous
- Citations for Meter Stay Limit, Expired Meter, or Time Zone violations may be issued as frequently as every two hours of the same infraction.? Parking past the maximum time allowed on a parking meter constitutes a Meter Stay violation, even if a meter payment is made, and even if a meter payment system is not accepting payment.
- With the exception of Meter Stay Limit, Expired Meter, or Time Zone violations, citations for the same infraction may be issued as frequently as once per calendar day.
- Multiple citations for a single parking occasion where a vehicle is noted violating two regulations at the same time may occur.
- Towing agency charges are separate, and determined by the towing agency.
- Chronic Offender tickets may be issued to someone with four or more unpaid tickets, or who holds a balance due of $150.00 or more in outstanding fines/fees/charges.? Multiple chronic offender citations may be issued over a period of time for the same unpaid tickets.
- An illegal permit/unauthorized use violation may be issued on anyone who uses a permit for which he/she is not/no longer eligible, falsifies credentials, or other manner of inappropriately gaining access to ineligible parking privileges.?? The registrant or operator of any vehicle displaying more than one permit with conflicting eligibilities, including a permit issued by an off-campus entity, will be regarded as the owner of both/all permits and subject to any enforcement consequence of the conflicting eligibility.
- The citation should accompany payment when paid at or mailed to Transportation Services.? Payments are considered late and subject to a late fee after 14 days from ticket issuance.? Citations appealed within 10 days of issuance will not be due until 14 calendar days after appeal denial date (see Article XI 3B).
- All parking citations will be paid directly, or online, to UNH Transportation Services.? UNH Students may also pay at the Business Services office.
- Failure to respond to a traffic citation will result in one or more of the following actions:
- Late fees of not less than $10.00 applied after 14 days past issuance date.
- Accumulation of four or more unpaid parking violations or a total outstanding balance due of $150 or more will result in suspension or denial of parking privileges on UNH property without further notice.? All unauthorized vehicles parked on UNH property are subject to immobilization and/or towing at the registered owner’s risk and expense (see Article IX).
- Persistent and chronic violations of traffic and parking regulations may result in suspension or denial of parking privileges on UNH property and/or the issuance of additional citations.
- Transcripts and/or diplomas or course registration may be suspended or withheld for unpaid parking citations.
- The registered owner, associated operator, or permitted registrant of a vehicle having an outstanding account may be referred to the University Business Services Office or other agency for collections action after failing to respond to billing statements.? This includes, but is not limited to, any statement returned because of misdirection or change of address.
- The auto-boot may be used by Transportation Services, under the direction of the Director or designee, to immobilize vehicles with multiple violations or excessive fines.
- A boot removal fine and all outstanding fines must be paid before removal of the boot is authorized.?
- Removal of an auto boot by Transportation Services is restricted to the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless another arrangement is made with Transportation Services.
- Exception to any of the above may be authorized by the Director of Transportation Services, or designee.
Section 1.??Purpose? A parking citation appeals process exists to provide for review and reconsideration of tickets issued on campus.?
Section 2.??Who May Appeal? Those who feel they can demonstrate circumstances of an enforcement error may appeal to have the citation waived or reduced.? Appeals seeking exemption or exclusion from the established parking rules will not be granted.? Appeals submitted by anyone whose parking privileges are under revocation will not be considered.
Section 3.??Appeals Process
- Appeals must be submitted in writing or online to Transportation Services within ten calendar days of the issuance of the citation.? The right to appeal is forfeited after the prescribed ten days.? Appeals of tickets already paid will not be considered.? Appeals will not be considered whenever the appellant’s parking violation record bears another one or more unpaid ticket over ten days old.
- Citations properly appealed will be marked as “on appeal”, which will render the fine temporarily not due until a decision is reached.
- Written appeals will be considered by authorized personnel who will render a decision.? An accepted appeal will render the ticket “void”, and no longer due.? A declined appeal will reactivate the ticket, and payment of the fine shall be due immediately.? Reactivated tickets are subject to a late fee 14 days after the reactivation date.
- Appellants shall be informed of the decision in writing to the address provided by the appellant.? Transportation Services is not responsible for appeal decisions that fail to reach the appellant due to an improperly provided address.
Section 1.??Severability??If any section of these regulations is held invalid by judicial ruling, said invalidation will not have bearing upon any other section contained herein.
Section 2.??Liability??The University of New Hampshire shall not be liable for any loss, theft or damage, whether accidental or intentional, including vandalism, which may occur to any motor vehicle or its contents while said motor vehicle is: (a) parked in University property, (b) being subject to incidental or necessary contact due to standard enforcement, (c) being towed or otherwise moved on or removed from University property,? or (d) impounded pursuant to University policy.? Further, the University of New Hampshire shall not be liable or otherwise responsible, based upon the issuance of any parking permit, for any bodily injury, death or property damage caused by the operation of a motor vehicle pursuant to University parking policy.? Further, in full recognition and understanding of the responsibilities, hazards and dangers inherent in the use of University of New Hampshire parking facilities, people using such facilities shall (a) assume all risks and responsibilities involved in using the parking facilities on University of New Hampshire property; and (b) for themselves and their successors: (1) release and hold harmless the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and its trustees, officers, agents, and employees from and against (or with respect to) all claims, demands, actions and causes of action for damages sustained or incurred due to personal injury, property damage, or death, arising from the use of the parking facilities; (2) release and hold harmless or to indemnify UNH and its trustees, officers, agents and employees from and against (or with respect to) all claim demands, actions, and causes of action for damages anyone other than themselves may sustain or incur due to personal injury, property damage, or death arising from their use of the parking facilities; and (3) in the event that their use of the parking facilities causes damage of UNH, to indemnify the University for such loss.? This agreement to release and hold harmless or to indemnify shall apply to all claims, demands and actions whether or not the result of negligent acts or omissions on the part of UNH or its trustees, officers, agents or employees.
Section 3.??Titles, Headings, Subheadings and Style of Print??The body of this document is organized by the use of titles, headings, subheadings in the form of Articles and Sections, and, the print appears in bold face, capital letters, and small capital letters, and the information is arranged in outline form through the use of numeric and alphabetic indications.? No special meaning is implied nor should the reader infer any meaning by any or all of these organizing conventions and the parking rules and regulations are stipulated as if these conventions were not present.
Section 4.??License??Persons acquiring parking permits from the University as herein defined do acknowledge, accept and in all ways understand that by the payment of fees stipulated within these regulations they are granted permission to use University property for parking their respective vehicles.? This license is granted by the University to the Permit Holder with the understanding that the Permit Holder agrees, accepts and understands that they, the Permit Holder, are granted no right or benefit of ownership of said property in any manner, shape or form.? Permit Holders not in good standing are subject to revocation of this license.? Good standing shall mean without any outstanding amount owed for fines extending from violation of these regulations, and/or without any fee amounts herein required unpaid to the University, and/or compliance with eligibilities and other requirements.