Holidays and Closings

Holidays observed by the University of New Hampshire

You can also view a full list of all holidays and observances that may be recognized by members of our community on the UNH Master Calendar. When on the master calendar, select the "Holidays & Observances" calendar (located on the bottom right corner), to view these holidays and observances to support your planning or scheduling.

2025 Holidays and Closings

2024?Holidays and Closings

Day Date Holiday or Closing
Monday January 1 New Year's Day
Monday January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday May 27 Memorial Day
Wednesday June 19 Juneteenth
Thursday July 4 Independence Day
Monday September 2 Labor Day
Monday November 11 Veteran's Day


November 28

Thanksgiving Day

Friday November 29 UNH Holiday (post Thanksgiving)
Wednesday December 25 Christmas Day
Thursday December 26 UNH Holiday
Friday December 27 UNH Holiday
Monday December 30 UNH Holiday?
Tuesday December 31 UNH Holiday
Wednesday January 1, 2025

UNH Holiday - New Year's Day?(2025?Holiday Schedule)


The following is a list of links/documents that relate to holiday arrangements for staff employees who are less than 100% time: