Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances

Resource Category Topic
R.42.30 – On Academic Syllabi
Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire unanimously passes Resolution R.42.30 – On Academic Syllabi, on March 28, 2021.
Type: Policy
Course Design, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Syllabus Design
UNH SAS Processes - Remote Requests
A Student Accessibility Services (SAS) guide for students to formally request remote learning as an accommodation through SAS.
Type: Reference
Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Student Success, Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Accessibility
Hybrid-Flexible Course Design Implementing student-directed hybrid classes (Beatty, B.J.)
This book provides strategies, methods, and case stories related to Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) course design.
Type: Book
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality HyFlex (Concurrent)
Engaging Students Remotely (Xuan Cai)
Presentation materials available on engaging students remotely.
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Modality HyFlex (Concurrent)
The Student Cognition Toolbox: Promote Student Success by Empowering Them to Become Self-Regulated Learners in Any Course Delivery Platform (Catherine Overson, Victor Benassi)
Presentation materials on empowering student learners on any delivery platform (Summer 2020).
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances Cognitively Based Learning Interventions
Student Response to the Online Transition (Kathleen Jeffery, Chris Bauer)
Presentation materials regarding the student response to the online transition (Spring 2020)
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Online Courses
Remote Learning and the Student 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 (Catherine Overson, Kathleen Jeffery)
Presentation materials available on the topic of developing an assessment plan for your online/blended courses
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality Online Courses
Pivot Your Face-to-Face Course to Remote Teaching (Catherine Overson)
Presentation materials available on the topic of pivoting your face-to-face course to remote teaching
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching and Learning Strategies HyFlex (Concurrent), Online Courses, Teaching Modalities
6 Tips for Teaching Online and In Person Simultaneously (Inside Higher Ed)
Strategies to promote meaningful engagement for online students while at the same time providing a rich face-to-face learning environment.
Type: Website
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances, Teaching Modality HyFlex (Concurrent)
Moving Online Now: How to keep teaching during coronavirus (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Collection of short articles from?The Chronicle of Higher Education?addressing how to get started, how to get organized, and how to communicate with…
Teaching and Learning in Special Circumstances Online Courses