What do I do if someone tests positive in my laboratory, classroom, area, or building

If identified as a close contact, you are required to quarantine x 14 days. UNH Health & Wellness or NH DHHS should notify you if you are considered a close contact and will provide instructions. For more information on quarantine procedures, see: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/cdcs/covid19/self-quarantine-covid.pdf

Begin enhanced health monitoring including temperature screening each morning.?If you are identified as a close contact, and are in quarantine, begin enhanced health monitoring. If you develop COVID-like symptoms (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html), but are not identified as a close contact, please stay home and seek medical advice.

If possible, wait to re-occupy rooms the positive individual was in for 24 hours. If re-occupancy after 24 hours is not possible, increase ventilation in the affected spaces by running the chemical fume hood in maximum flow mode or opening windows.

After 24 hours, disinfect high-touch surfaces in the room and any shared items or equipment. A supervisor, manager, instructor, or laboratory principal investigator?may contact Facilities at 603-862-1437?to request enhanced disinfection of the affected room(s). Facilities will mobilize housekeeping services to perform enhanced disinfection of surfaces in the room, as dictated in the Facilities Adaptation Plan (https://unh.app.box.com/s/cr68eohxm5skgijm7854mdhbtcv937lr). Staff may perform their own surface disinfection using normal procedures