Ways to Search for Funding Opportunities

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Use the resources in the Research Development Office's Find Funding section of the UNH Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach web site

Find Funding contains a variety of resources, strategies, and search tools.? Of special note:

  • Use the tools and strategies for identifying and evaluating funding opportunities.
  • Targeted Needs & Programs includes grant programs for Early Career Researchers and Scholars, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, information about grant programs that are particularly well-suited to UNH, and links to resources re: international scholarship and other focused needs.
  • Internal (UNH) Funding Opportunities includes campus-wide and college-specific programs available to faculty.
  • Read the Research Development and Grant Writing News, a monthly newsletter available to the UNH community that provides timely advice on how to compete successfully for research and education funding from federal agencies and from foundations.

Search the SPIN database and set up automatic notifications

Find access information and user support for this funding opportunity database on the SPIN-SMARTS-GENIUS page.

Use sponsors’ web pages and free electronic mailing lists

Explore potential sponsors’ web sites to learn about their organizational goals, priorities and long-term plans, funding opportunities, and previously-funded projects.

  • For sponsor profiles and other tools to find the right sponsor for your project, explore Sponsor Types in the Find Funding section of the UNH Research web page.
  • To find other sponsors’ web sites, search with Google or other search engine.

Sign up for the sponsors’ email lists to be notified when the sponsor issues announcements of funding opportunities (e.g., NSF Update, NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices, USDA Updates, Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Newsletter, etc.).?? Look for a link to register on the sponsors’ web sites (often at the bottom of the homepage).

Sign up for Candid's Philanthropy News Digest RFP Bulletin or Funding Watch newsletters -? a free, weekly e-mail service that presents upcoming opportunities from grant-making foundations: https://candid.org/stay-up-to-date/newsletters.

Use grants.gov

Use SEARCH GRANTS to search for competitive grant opportunities from all the Federal grant- making agencies by keyword, category (area of interest), agency, and other identifying parameters.

Sign-up for custom email notifications to receive listings of funding opportunities by agency or category (area of interest): https://grants.gov/connect/manage-subscriptions/

GRANTS 101 provides an overview of the federal grants lifecyle as well as definitions of terms and policies.

Develop personal contacts

Faculty and other research personnel are great sources of information.
Find them in your own department, in your college, across the university, at professional meetings, and at other institutions.

Participate in professional meetings, consensus conferences, planning groups, and sponsor-hosted meetings.
Program officers and scientific staff from federal agencies and other sponsors often attend scientific meetings to keep up with the field and to meet researchers.? If there’s an informal social gathering, attend it and mingle!

Other researchers’ web sites and c.v.'s also can yield interesting information.
Who has funded them in the past? Where do they have proposals pending now?

Check professional societies and look in professional journals

Many societies have grant programs, particularly for young investigators/early career scholars and to fund dissertation research for Ph.D. students.

Financial support for the research reported in journal articles usually is noted as a footnote to the title or in the “Acknowledgements” section just before the “References Cited” section.

Some particularly good ones can be found on the Free Search Tools & Bulletin Boards page of the UNH Research web site.

Use general-purpose web search engines

This type of search casts a broad net, with lots of incidental information to sort through, but often can be useful when other searches aren’t fruitful or to confirm that you’ve found most, if not all, of the viable sponsors for a given topic area.

  • To search for all sponsors, enter a topic keyword, then semicolon, then “grants.”
  • To find local/regional foundation sponsors, try using the keywords “Philanthropy + State” where “State” is the location of the organization for which you are seeking funding.
UNH Research and Large Center Development Office Contacts

Caitlin Aspinall
Phone: (603) 862-2497

Lynnette Hentges
Phone: (603) 862-2002

Michael Thompson
Phone: (603) 862-5255

Mark Milutinovich
Phone: (603) 862-5338