National Science Foundation (NSF) - Specific Requirements & Advice

A revised version of the NSF?Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide?(PAPPG) (NSF 24-1)?has been issued.
You are encouraged to review the chapter-by-chapter?Summary of Changes.

PAPPG NSF-24-1 is effective for?proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024

?Highlights related to proposal preparation in PAPPG NSF 24-1:

  • Proposal Font, Spacing, and Margin Requirements has been modified to allow for submission of proposal documents in landscape format
  • Biographical Sketch(es)
    • Implements Common Form developed by the National Science and Technology Council's Research Security Subcommittee
    • There is now no page limitation
    • The Synergistic Activities section has been removed from the biographical sketch; this information must now be submitted as a single page document
  • Current and Pending (Other) Support? implements the Common Form developed by the National Science and Technology Council's Research Security Subcommittee
  • Mentoring Plan must now apply to or postdoctoral researchers and/or graduate students supported on the project
    ?? NSF 101: The Mentoring Plan


SciENcv is the only option for preparing NSF biosketch and Current & Pending (Other) Support documents
SciENcv Guide
NSF? Webinar and SciENcv Demo
Using SciENcv Frequently Asked Questions?(NSF)

NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support


Use of generative artificial intelligence technology in the NSF merit review process? -- review and proposal preparation


Getting to Know NSF

NSF Program Suitabiilty & Prospect Concept Tool (ProSPCT)
The Program Suitability & Proposal Concept Tool (ProSPCT) is for prospective Principal Investigators (PIs) to contact the National Science Foundation (NSF) to determine suitability of a project idea prior to submission of a proposal.?
Overview and Demo (9/27/22)

NSF 101
NSF 101 is an informational series for the science and engineering research community that covers a wide range of topics related to grant seeking, including answers to commonly asked questions and how to communicate with NSF.
NSF101 collaborates with program staff across the agency to provide clear, basic instructions to improve accessibility and demystify the NSF experience.

NSF Policy Office Outreach Resource Center
Slides and videos of NSF webinars and conferences
Upcoming Events


Proposal Writing and Review

Reminder: URLs are not allowed in proposal components with page limitations

Merit Review Philosophy and Process --

  • Important to very via download that version of proposal is correct
  • Incomplete discussion of previous NSF support is the most common reason that proposals are returned without review
  • Statement the "Data Management Plan is not needed" is very often found during review to be not true -- a DMP is needed

NSF Abstracts and Titles

The Art and Science of Reviewing Proposals (19-minute video)

Proposal Review Panel Calendar


Broader Impacts

Broader Impacts - Homepage
NSF 101: Five tips for your Broader Impacts statement

For more resources, see Developing Broader Impacts and Outreach Activities


Data Management

Preparing Your Data Management Plan -- DMP guidance, including requirements by Directorate, Office, Division Program or other NSF Unit



STEM Education

Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR) Program Brochure (NSF 20-023)

Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development and FAQs
A report from the Institute of Educational Sciences/US ED and the National Science Foundation

  • Guidance on building the evidence base in STEM learning
  • Provides guidelines for six types of education “research” projects
  • Overview of the nature, justification, evidence generation and so on for each project type

Companion Guidelines on Replication and Reproducibility in Education Research (November, 2018)
A Supplement to the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development


For other resources, see??RD Digital Library?>> NSF -- NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
