National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Specific Requirements & Advice

Grants Policy and Compliance

The NASA Proposer’s Guide (2023)
Combines the NASA Guidebook for Proposer’s Responding to a Notice of Funding Opportunity and the NASA Unsolicited Guide into one comprehensive Guide

Forms?- Search by a form number or view forms by distribution center
ms are listed by form number/title in Portable Document Format (PDF) and Informed (IFM) Format

New Principal Investigator Resources - web pages for scientists and engineers who plan to propose to a NASA Research Opportunity (NRA) ?(like Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science) or an announcement of opportunity (AO) for a flight mission or mission of opportunity from the Science Mission Directorate

Writing Successful Proposals: Observations from NASA ---? Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen , 6/5/19
? Slides??? Video

NSPIRES? Online Help

SARA How To Guide?

  • How to Keep up With Changes to ROSES & NSPIRES
  • How to Avoid Grant Delays
  • A note on submitting proposals via
  • How to get a no-cost extension


Training on NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements

Grants and Cooperative Agreements 101: An Overview of Federal Financial Assistance
This course explores the historical evolution of Federal awards and describes the various types of Federal assistance available to the public. This training also provides participants with insights into the intricacies of the financial assistance process, valuable knowledge on how the various financial assistance mechanisms operate, and the statutory authorization and regulations that serve as the bedrock for Federal assistance awards at NASA.

Grants and Cooperative Agreements 102: An Overview of NASA’s Grant Environment
While Grants and Cooperative Agreements 101 provides insight into Federal financial assistance from a Government-wide lens, this course provides an overview of the various grant programs while focusing on: award-related roles and responsibilities, the four phases of the grants lifecycle, associated activities in the award’s lifecycle, audit requirements for NASA award recipients, and best practices for?
efficiently managing a NASA grant award.


For other resources, see? RD Digital Library >> NASA -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration