Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research

Externally sponsored research is a vital part of the University of New Hampshire's (UNH) mission. As this activity grows in sophistication and complexity, it intersects increasingly with industrial explorations and entrepreneurial ventures creating for investigators the potential for conflicting interests.

UNH has a financial conflict of interest in research (FCOIR) program?to protect the integrity of?UNH's externally-funded research enterprise and?UNH employees who engage in externally-funded research, by identifying and managing financial conflicts of interest in research.

A financial conflict of interest in research exists when it can be reasonably determined that an investigator's (or their spouse/dependent child's) personal financial concerns could directly and significantly influence the design, conduct, or reporting of sponsored research activities, or impact the investigator's UNH responsibilities. Faculty and staff of the University have an obligation to scrupulously maintain the objectivity of their research so as to avoid any conflict of interest.

The main components of the program are:

  • Two?policies on financial conflict of interest in research?to protect the integrity of externally-sponsored research and to comply with federal regulations.?The purpose of the policies is to identify and eliminate or manage any possible threat to research objectivity at UNH and,?where conflicts?could affect the rights and welfare of human subjects in research,?to identify and eliminate or manage the conflicts?that could lead to the unethical treatment of research subjects.

  1. The?UNH?policy on Financial Conflict of Interest in Research for PHS-Funded Projects?applies specifically to research funded, or proposed for funding, by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) and other organizations that require compliance with the PHS financial conflict of interest in research regulations.? (As of December 2021, the US Department of Energy FCOIR policy reflects the same requirements as the PHS policy; therefore, the UNH policy for FCOIR for PHS-Funded Projects should be followed by all investigators on US Dept. of Energy awards, as well.)
  2. The?UNH policy on Financial Conflict of Interest in Research?is applicable to research funded by all other organizations.

UNH?policy on Financial Conflict of Interest in Research for PHS-Funded Projects

UNH policy on Financial Conflict of Interest in Research

  • Disclosure of investigators' financial interests that might affect or be affected by the research, at the time of proposal submission;
  • Review of disclosures by FCOIR administrators in the UNH Research Integrity Services Office (RIS), and if applicable, the UNH Disclosure Review Committee?(DRC);
  • Where applicable, development of a management plan?to minimize or eliminate the risks associated with any?interests that qualify as "significant;"
  • Completion of required Web-based training?by all investigators submitting management plans before the release of project funds;
  • Oversight and monitoring of compliance with management plans; and
  • Periodic review of management plans and reporting to RIS and the DRC.

Cayuse outside interests click here to access disclosure forms

web-based training

Please contact?Melissa McGee, Assistant Director, Research Integrity Services ((603) 862-2005), Sue Jalbert, Compliance Officer, Research Integrity Services ((603) 862-3536), or?Julie Simpson, Director, Research Integrity Services ((603) 862-2003) with any questions.

View Conflict of Interest Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction?and training material, guidance, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

Contact Information

Melissa McGee, Assistant Director
Research Integrity Services
Service Building, 51 College Road
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-2005

Sue Jalbert, Compliance Officer
Research Integrity Services
Service Building, 51 College Road
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-3536