Room Type Count

Rooms are finite - there are so many of each room type available. Below are tables that provide the counts of how many of each room type are available in on-campus housing. The tables are categorized by housing-style: traditional, suite, and apartment.

Traditional Housing
Suite Housing
Apartment Housing

Counts are subject to change and do not reflect expanded occupancy ("built-up") spaces.

How to Use this Information

Students are encouraged to review this information when planning for housing selection processes. Understanding what rooms types are available, and where, helps students to keep realistic expectations when developing their preferences.

Traditional Housing

Traditional housing is what most people know as a college residence hall or "dorm." These are rooms on a hallway with shared, community-style bathrooms. Room sizes include singles (1 person), doubles (2 people), triples (3 people), and quads (4 people).

Hall Single (1 person) Double (2 people) Triple (3 people) Quad (4 people)
Alexander Hall 1 54 7 0
Babcock Hall 175 0 0 0
Christensen Hall 8 208 0 0
Congreve Hall 121 46 17 0
Devine Hall 56 69 9 0
Eaton House 37 6 0 0
Engelhardt Hall 19 40 4 0
Fairchild Hall 12 23 21 0
Gibbs Hall 19 40 4 0
Haaland Hall 8 28 0 0
Hall House 37 6 0 0
Handler Hall 4 32 0 0
Hetzel Hall * * * *
Hitchcock Hall 20 58 0 0
Hubbard Hall 12 96 0 0
Hunter Hall 19 40 4 0
Jessie Doe Hall 7 51 0 4
Lord Hall 6 54 0 0
Marston House 37 6 0 0
McLaughlin Hall 19 52 0 0
Peterson Hall 8 32 0 0
Randall Hall 9 62 8 0
Richardson House 32 5 0 0
Sawyer Hall 5 60 1 0
Scott Hall 28 40 0 0
Stoke Hall 81 222 18 0
Williamson Hall 8 208 0 0

Suite Housing

Suite housing is when one or more rooms share a bathroom(s) to just members of that suite. Some larger suites will also include a common space/living room. Suites range in size from 3 students to 8 students.

Hall 1 Triple (3 people) 2 Doubles (4?people) 2 Doubles / 1 Single (5 people) 2 Doubles / 2 Singles (6 people) 2 Doubles / 3 Singles (7 people) 3 Doubles / 2 Singles (8 people)
Adams Tower West 53 0 0 0 0 0
Haaland Hall 0 41 0 0 0 0
Handler Hall 0 41 0 8 0 0
Mills Hall 0 18 13 0 4 26
Peterson Hall 0 24 0 5 0 0

Apartment Housing

Apartment housing on campus is full apartments. All units are 2 or more bedrooms, with living room, 1 to 2 bathrooms, and kitchen. Apartment sizes range from 3 to 6 people, with a variety of configurations.

Complex 1 Double / 1 Single (3 people) 3 Singles (3 people) 2 Doubles (4 people) 1 Double / 2 Singles (4 people) 4 singles (4 people) 2 Doubles / 1 Single (5 people) 1 Double / 3 Singles (5 people) 3 Doubles (6 people)
The Gables A 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 28
The Gables B 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 25
The Gables C 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 28
The Gables N 0 2 0 12 13 6 4 0
The Gables S 3 1 0 23 17 5 5 0
Woodside 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 0