Emotional wellness is being kind to yourself as you recognize and experience a wide range of emotions.
Signs of Emotional Wellness
- Having the ability to talk?with someone about your emotional concerns and share your feelings with others
- Saying "no" when you need to without feeling guilty
- Feeling content most of the time
- Feeling you have a strong support network i.e.?people in your life that care about you
- Being able to relax
- Feeling good about who you are
Check in with your emotional wellness:?
- Do you see stress as something you can learn from or something to avoid?
- Are you aware of you bodily sensations, emotions, and behaviors when you are stressed?
- Do you allow yourself to experience emotions, just as they are??
- How do you care for yourself on a daily basis?
- Are you able to ask for help when you need it?

Utilize the Mood Meter, developed by Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, to identify your current mood, build your emotional vocabulary, and enhance your emotional wellness.
Explore Emotional Wellness
Many factors can support or challenge your emotional wellness. Learn more about some of these factors below.
UNH Resources to Enhance Emotional Wellness
The following services are available for all UNH students:?