Education Abroad Award Application

There are two application periods for these awards:

  • The?January Term, Spring Break, or Spring Semester application is due on October 10 at noon.
  • The Summer, Fall, or Full Academic Year application is due on March 7 at noon.

Awards for Jterm/Spring Break/Spring Semester will be announced by the end of November and Summer/Fall/Academic Year awards will be announced by the end of April.

The purpose of these awards is to help UNH undergraduate students cover the additional costs that come with study abroad/away (NSE Canada only) and an international experience (Internship, Volunteer, Research Abroad). Approximately 10 awards will be distributed each semester in the amounts of $500-$5000. Most awards are over $1000.

All students who meet the following eligibility requirements should apply. There are a variety of awards available.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Confirmed UNH Study Away Eligibility.?
  • Applied to a UNH Faculty-led, Partner, Exchange study abroad program or International 188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 (Internship, Volunteer Research Abroad).

A few funds have grant-specific eligibility requirements. These are:

  • Diversity Abroad?— supports under-represented students to study/intern/research abroad. Preference will be given to a student doing an education abroad experience for the first time.???
  • Foley Jackson?— provides $5000 in financial assistance to students at the sophomore level and above who fit the eligibility requirements and will be studying abroad for a semester or academic year.
  • Yale Maria?— supports students studying abroad in the Middle East.


  • No late or incomplete applications will be accepted.
  • Recipients who do not participate on their declared education abroad program will forfeit their award.
  • Recipients must commit to chronicle their education abroad experience, examples include social media posts/takeovers, short video or blogging.
  • Recipients must apply for the UNH Global Ambassador Program.

Award Guidelines

Awards will be granted based on a variety of factors that include financial need, personal statement, letter of recommendation and your suggestions for sharing your education abroad experience upon return.? Depending on terms set by the award fund and committee, these additional elements may be considered: academic performance, diversity, major and destination.

If you feel that any of the above factors need additional explanation (e.g. academic performance, financial need) feel free to explain your situation in your personal statement.

Application Checklist:

  • Online application form, which includes the personal statement.
  • One letter of recommendation from a UNH faculty member, academic advisor, educational program coordinator/director, or student activities coordinator/director.

*Take note that you cannot save changes in the application and come back to it. We recommend that for the long answer questions that you write these in a word document, copy and paste your answers into the application so that you can submit it at one time.

Online Application
