
Resource Category Type
Rhodes Scholarship
The Rhodes Scholarship enables students to pursue 2-3 years of graduate work at Oxford University.
Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship - Junior Summer Institute
The PPIA Junior Summer Institute (JSI) Fellowship Program is a rigorous academic graduate-level preparation program for undergraduate juniors…
International Students, Undergraduate
Princeton in Asia
Princeton in Asia (PiA) is an independent non-profit organization affiliated with and located on-campus at Princeton University. Founded by Princeton…
International Alumni, Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Princeton in Africa
A Princeton in Africa fellowship experience is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for personal and professional development and growth. It is often…
International Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Phillips Scholarship
The Stephen Phillips Memorial Fund awards scholarships between $3,000 and $18,000 (the average award is $6,000). Awards are renewable for up to 4…
Audience: Undergraduate
Financial Need Undergraduate
Peter Agris Memorial Scholarship
Peter Agris Memorial Scholarship for Greek Americans pursuing careers in journalism and communications. The Alpha Omega Council, comprised of leading…
Financial Need Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Institute for Nonprofit Practice - Summer Fellowship Program
The Summer Fellowship Program supports the learning and engagement of highly-motivated individuals passionate about social change and equity while…
Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral, Undergraduate
Out to Innovate Scholarships
The Out to Innovate? Scholarships, established in 2011, are intended for LGBTQ+ undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in science,…
Minority Graduate Students, Undergraduate
National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged…
Audience: Undergraduate
Financial Need Undergraduate
William B. Ruggles Journalism Scholarship
The William B. Ruggles Journalism Scholarship honors the esteemed Texas journalist who coined the phrase “Right to Work” and contributed greatly to…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate