
Resource Category Type
InterExchange Foundation Christianson Fellowship
The Christianson Fellowship provides funding between $2,500 and $10,000 to young Americans and permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 28, who…
Beinecke Scholarship
A substantial scholarship for undergraduate juniors who intend to pursue graduate or doctoral study in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Audience: Undergraduate
Financial Need Graduate Students
FAO Schwarz Fellowship
Funds a two-year assignment working in a high impact, nonprofit organization in Boston, New York City, or Philadelphia.
Audience: Undergraduate
A full scholarship for the brightest student leaders around the globe to complete a one-year Master's Degree in Global Affairs (taught in…
Graduate Students
The Public Policy and International Affairs Program (PPIA)'s Junior Summer Institute (JSI) Fellowship Program is a fully funded rigorous program…
Audience: Undergraduate
Pickering Fellowship
Provides funding for graduate school and internships to participants as they prepare academically and professionally to enter the United States…
International Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Luce Scholarship
Funds serious language study and/or work overseas for a summer, one semester, or a year for undergraduates and graduate students in areas other than…
International Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Knight-Hennessy Scholarship
Knight-Hennessy funds graduate level study at Standford University and provides a community of scholars. Applicants should exhibit independence of…
Graduate Students
UNCF Scholarships, Programs, Internships, and Fellowships
UNCF manages various scholarship programs and each program has its own eligibility criteria, open/close dates and required documentation. .
Minority Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral, Undergraduate
UK Fulbright Summer Institutes
The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are three to four week programmes for US undergraduate students, who have no or very little travel experience…
Audience: Undergraduate
International Undergraduate