Office of National Fellowships

Resource Category Office Type
Campus Pride National LGBTQ Scholarship Database
List of scholarships, fellowships and grants for LGBTQ and ally students at both the undergraduate and graduate-level.
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+ Office of National Fellowships Scholarships
The UNH Fellowships Office provides information, counsel, and editorial support to highly motivated students (undergraduates, graduate students, and U...
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Office of National Fellowships Campus Resources
Jack Kent Cooke
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need.
Audience: Student
People of Color Civic and Community Engagement, Office of National Fellowships National Organizations
Hispanic Scholarship Foundation
Audience: Student
People of Color Office of Community, Equity & Diversity, Office of National Fellowships National Organizations, Scholarships
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Developing the Next Generation of Latino Leaders?
Audience: Student
People of Color Office of Community, Equity & Diversity, Office of National Fellowships Scholarships
Congressional Black Caucus
For more than three decades the CBCF in partnership with CBC Spouses has awarded scholarships to talented and deserving students. Each year, we award ...
Audience: Student
People of Color Office of Community, Equity & Diversity, Office of National Fellowships National Organizations
Coca-Cola Scholar
Audience: Student
People of Color Office of Community, Equity & Diversity, Office of National Fellowships National Organizations, Scholarships
Benjamin Gilman International Scholarship
Scholarships and awards for studying abroad
Audience: Student
People of Color, People with Disabilities Office of National Fellowships, UNH Global National Organizations, Scholarships
Amer. Geosciences
Audience: Student
People of Color Office of National Fellowships National Organizations