People with Disabilities

Resource Category Office Type
NH Charitable Foundation
Audience: Faculty
People with Disabilities Regional/State Organizations
National MS Society
Audience: Student
People with Disabilities Scholarships
National Foundation for the Blind Scholarships
Audience: Student
People with Disabilities Scholarships
National Center on Disability and Journalism Disability Language Style Guide
&quot;When is it appropriate to use the terms “handicapped” or “disabled”?<br /> Is it offensive to say “confined to a wheelchair”?<br /> What are t...
People with Disabilities Research & Guides
National Center on Disability and Journalism
NCDJ provides support and guidance for journalists as they cover stories on people with disabilities. View the Style Guide and find out: When is it ap...
People with Disabilities National Organizations
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Audience: Student
People with Disabilities Scholarships
Nami (NH chapter)
National Alliance on Mental Illness.
People with Disabilities Regional/State Organizations
Mobility International Respectful Disability Language
People with Disabilities Research & Guides
Lactation resources
Lactation info and room locations
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Student
People with Disabilities, Women UNH Human Resources Campus Resources
Institute on Disability
Established at UNH in 1987 to provide a university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of peopl...
People with Disabilities Institute on Disability/UCED Campus Resources