
Resource Category Office Type
Trans UNH
Student organization supporting transgender students at UNH
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+ UNH Student Organizations
Committee on Mutual Respect/Student COMR
Our mission statement: The University of New Hampshire Athletic Department’s Committee on Mutual Respect (CMR) is an instrument to provide resources t...
Audience: Student
Initiatives Athletics UNH Student Organizations
Wildcat Access
On-campus van transportation for UNH students and employees with mobility impairments.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Student
People with Disabilities Transportation Services Campus Resources
Vietnamese Student Association
Introduces Vietnamese culture to the UNH community through many exciting meeting discussions/activities and cultural events.
Audience: Student
People of Color UNH Student Organizations
United Asian Coalition
Explores and promotes Asian/Pacific Island cultures socially and culturally.
Audience: Student
People of Color Beauregard Center UNH Student Organizations
UNH Women's Studies program
Audience: Student
Women National Organizations
UNCF Scholarships
Scholarships, Programs, Internships and Fellowships
Audience: Student
People of Color Scholarships
Trevor Project
crisis intervention 24/7 help
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Campus Resources
Transgender Health and UNH Health Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+ Campus Resources
The Point Foundation
Financial Aid Resources
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+ Financial Aid