Available Versions of the JVQ-R2
The JVQ is comprised of several modules that cover different domains of youth victimization.
The Core JVQ includes 34 items that cover the following domains:? conventional crime, child maltreatment, peer & sibling victimization, sexual victimization, and witnessing & indirect victimization.
Additional supplemental JVQ items have been developed to obtain further detail on areas such as:? exposure to family violence, neglect, & relational victimization.? Follow-up items collect data on incident characteristics.
The best version for different circumstances will depend on available time and resources.? Any version can be used for the four most common purposes:? clinical assessment, community needs assessment, program evaluation, and research.
The Full Interview, usually computer-administered, offers the most complete information and is what we use in NatSCEV.? We recommend the Abbreviated Interview if it is possible to collect follow-ups but a computer is not available to? help with skip patterns in the interview.? For a briefer instrument or one that can be given as a self-administered questionnaire (instead of an interview), we recommend the Screener Sum Version.? If even that is too long, then the Reduced Item Version is the shortest alternative.? Many users also choose to use specific modules or items that meet their needs.?
There is no fee for the use of the JVQ-R2 in research or clinical practice, but we do require that all users properly acknowledge the source of the items.? Suggested citation:
Finkelhor, D., Hamby, S., Turner, H., & Ormrod, R. (2011).??The Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire:? 2nd Revision (JVQ-R2).? Durham, NH:? Crimes Against Children Research Center.
Descriptions of screener items for the JVQ-R2
Follow-up Items for the JVQ-R2
Overview of Infant & Toddler JVQ-R2
1) Full Interview:? All screeners and all follow-ups.? Challenging to administer without a computer to correctly identify which follow-ups to ask and assist with skip patterns.?
Length:? Approx 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how many victimizations are reported.
Youth with supplementary items
Caregiver with supplementary items
Adult retrospective?
Adult retrospective with supplementary items
2) Abbreviated Interview:? ? The abbreviated interview includes screeners with a reduced set of follow-ups.? The files for this interview include the core JVQ items, but the interview can be adapted to include supplemental items or to only use the core JVQ modules items that are relevant for a particular project. This can be administered as a face-to-face or telephone interview, even without the assistance of a computer.?
Length:? Approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
Youth lifetime
Youth past year
Adult retrospective
Caregiver lifetime
Caregiver past year
3) Screener Sum Version:? ? Basic screen questions only, with no follow-ups.? Users may select the most relevant ones if they do not wish to administer all items, or can add supplemental items to explore some forms of victimization in more detail.? Either the Screener Sum Version or Reduced Item Version is best suited for self-administered questionnaires.?
Length:? Approximately 10 to 15 minutes
Youth lifetime
Youth?past year
Caregiver lifetime
Caregiver?past year
Adult retrospective
4) Reduced Item Version:? 12 of the basic screen questions only, with no follow-ups.? These 12 represent the major domains of the JVQ and can be used when time limitations preclude the use of longer versions.?
Length:? Approximately 5 to 10 minutes
Youth lifetime
Youth?past year
Caregiver lifetime
Caregiver?past year
Adult retrospective
All of the above versions are available in the following forms that vary according to reporter and referent period.
Available forms | ? | Referent period | ? |
Reporter |
Past year |
Lifetime |
Childhood (Birth to 17) |
Youth (ages 8-17) |
Yes |
Yes |
? |
Caregiver |
Yes |
Yes |
? |
Adult Retrospective | ? | ? |
Yes |