
Logo for the Sibling Aggression and Abuse Research and Advocacy Initiative

Our Mission

This initiative will increase awareness of sibling aggression, its pervasiveness, and its links to well-being. A primary goal of the initiative is to change the perception that sibling aggression is not serious and provide guidance about how to prevent and interrupt it.

Sibling face pulling

The initiative will identify opportunities to change social, cultural, and organizational obstacles, such as the invisibility of survivors, that keep sibling abuse hidden.

The initiative will create user-friendly information that is evidence-based, represents best practices, is developmentally appropriate, and reflects our values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to serve as guidance to reduce sibling aggression and abuse. The documents will be designed to be resources for educators, schools, human service workers, clinicians, and healthcare communities to increase awareness of sibling aggression and abuse.

The initiative will also build networks of researchers and advocates and partnerships between experts and relevant organizations in the fields of child and family welfare, parent education, pediatrics, and mental health.

Some of the core audiences for this initiative include:

  • The media and general public
  • Adult survivors of sibling abuse seeking understanding and help
  • Parents looking for prevention help and treatment
  • Parent educators and clinical professionals looking to improve their effectiveness
  • Education, medical, and mental health professionals who evaluate and assess childhood problems

Download our "188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 SAARA" flyer in English

Download our "188体育app_188体育在线-平台官网 SAARA" flyer in Spanish

Download our conference poster


The SAARA Initiative is generously funded by a grant from the Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation.