Resource Year Topic Type
Upset among youth in response to questions about exposure to violence, sexual assault and family maltreatment
Finkelhor, D., Vanderminden, J., Turner, H., Hamby, S. & Shattuck, A. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38, 217-223. (CV276)
2013 Exposure to Domestic Violence, General Child Victimization, Impacts of Child Victimization, JVQ Paper
Trends in childhood violence and abuse exposure: Evidence from two national surveys.
Finkelhor, D., Turner, H.A., Ormrod, R.K., & Hamby, S.L. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 164(3): 238-242. (CV196)
2010 Exposure to Domestic Violence, General Child Victimization, JVQ, Trends In Child Victimization Paper