Monday, October 10, 2016

UNH students in Spain

“From my first week at college when I made enduring friendships with the people in my residence hall to the engaging connections I continue to make as a junior, the UNH community has always been welcoming.”

The University of New Hampshire was not on my radar when I was searching for colleges. Even though I grew up only two hours north of UNH in Maine, I never considered the school until a friend of mine came here. When I visited, I was immediately surprised at how beautiful the campus was. I always had pictured myself going to a college with a classic university look with brick buildings, stone quads and leafy lawns, and UNH fit that description to a T.

I excelled academically in high school, and a lot of people who knew me thought I would choose a super-selective, prestigious college instead of a state school; however, UNH was the only school that offered all the opportunities I was looking for. As a prospective student, I was surprised by the caliber and breadth of the programs offered here. I’ve continued to be impressed with the range of opportunities UNH has presented me throughout my college experience.


UNH student Charlotte Harris '18 in front of Thompson Hall


UNH student Charlotte Harris '18 with Chuck Todd
Meeting NBC journalist Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press”


I’ve met award-winning authors and national broadcast journalists; seen presidential candidates give speeches; networked with local professionals and alumni; secured amazing internships; spent an incredible semester abroad, and, most importantly of all, have been inspired by the impressive work I’ve seen my fellow students undertake both in our local community and around the world.


Charlotte Harris '18 and some other UNH students at some Roman ruins in Mérida, Spain
Representing UNH at some Roman ruins in Mérida, Spain, with my study abroad group


Ultimately, the deciding factor for me when choosing a college was the type of people that attended the school. Were they friendly? Would I fit in? Would I meet people with interesting backgrounds? Would I form lasting connections? The answer to these questions was “yes” more strongly at UNH than any other campus I visited.


Charlotte Harris '18 and other UNH students sitting on the wall in front of Thompson Hall


From my first week at college when I made enduring friendships with the people in my residence hall to the engaging connections I continue to make as a junior, the UNH community has always been welcoming. Time and time again, my intuition has proved correct — I could not have picked a better place to call home than UNH.


UNH student Charlotte Harris and a friend sitting in front of Thompson Hall


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