Thursday, October 13, 2016
Hailey Simpson ’18 cheering in the student section at a UNH football game

“I love everything about UNH, from the sporting events to the classrooms.”

UNH student Hailey Simpson ’19 in front of Thompson Hall

Answering the question “Why UNH?” is tough because the University of New Hampshire was never part of my plan. I knew UNH was a good school and it had great academics and sports, but I went to a large high school in New Hampshire, which meant that many people from my graduating class had committed to UNH. I liked these people, but I thought it was time for me to move on and go my own way; I didn’t want to experience high school 2.0. I was looking into schools far away, just trying to get away from the small state of New Hampshire. My mom did NOT like that plan; she didn’t want me to go to school hundreds of miles away, so she insisted on UNH. For days she begged me to take a tour of the campus. Finally, I gave in just so she would stop asking. (I knew there was no way I would love the school, so I figured if I took a tour she would stop bothering me about it.) I remember the day of my tour like it was yesterday. It was a gorgeous fall day, and the scenery caught my attention. The campus was so incredible; I really enjoyed walking around and seeing what UNH had to offer. Something just clicked in my head.

This was no longer a tour to get my mother off my back; it had become a tour to find my home for the next four years. I listened to every single word my tour guide said. (I wish I remembered her name because I would love to thank her.) She showed me all different sides of UNH, and for the first time, I actually considered going to this school. Finally, at the end of the tour, we walked past T-Hall lawn and it was absolutely gorgeous; it took my breath away. In that moment I knew this was the school for me. My mom constantly says, “I told you so,” but she was right; she knew UNH was my perfect fit.


students forming the letters UNH at a pep rally
I’m holding the T in Wildcats!


I love everything about UNH, from the sporting events to the classrooms. Since becoming a Wildcat I have joined numerous organizations and clubs on campus, and I love what I’m involved with. I hope everyone at UNH finds their group of people here and loves this campus as much as I do. UNH is my home and my fellow Wildcats are my family. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. UNH was never part of the plan, but I thank my mom every day for convincing me to take a tour of the place I am now proud to call home.


the ‘Cat Pack at a UNH football game
The ‘Cat Pack gets to Wildcat Stadium for games early. The student’s section is nicknamed “The Dungeon.”


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