Thursday, November 12, 2020
Meriah Metzger '20, politics and society major at UNH Manchester

Transfer students make up more than half of the student population at UNH Manchester, bringing a diversity of thought and experience to our college community. We know transferring to a new college isn’t easy, which is why we offer advising, events and resources specifically for transfer students.

Transfer Mentor Spotlights introduce?you to our Mentor Ambassadors for Transfer Engagement (MATEs) , trained student leaders—and transfer students themselves—who help incoming transfers adjust to the academic, cultural and social climate of UNH Manchester. This weeks MATE is Meriah Metzger '20, a politics and society major who transferred from Plymouth State University.

Why did you want to be a MATE / what do you like best about being a MATE?

I became a MATE because I thought it would be an opportunity to connect with new people and get involved on campus. After a year of working with transfer students I would say that my assumption was absolutely correct! In addition to making many new friends and connections on campus, being a MATE has helped me gain new skills as communicator and mentor. The best part of being a MATE is meeting new students and helping them find their niche at UNH Manchester.

What advice do you have for new transfer students?

GET INVOLVED! Join a club, become a student leader, or work with a professor on research in your major. The greatest benefit of being a student at UNH Manchester is the welcoming community that you instantly become a part of and the many of opportunities that community offers.

What brought you to UNH Manchester?

I transferred from Plymouth State University after my first semester of college. I needed somewhere closer to home so that I could commute and found that and much more at UNH Manchester.

Favorite UNH Manchester memory?

Walking with the UNH Manchester blimp in the Manchester Holiday Parade.

What’s your favorite class and why?

One of my first classes at UNH Manchester was Professor Pimpare’s New Hampshire Politics in Action course. This class was an awesome introduction to the Public Service and Nonprofit Leadership?program as I spent my semester tracking and advocating for a NH bill in real time, speaking with the sponsor of the bill and testifying at the committee hearing for class credit, but also for experience that would benefit me professionally. This class led me to be further involved in state politics and pushed me to be a better, more active student. I’d take this class every semester if I could!

What do you hope to be doing in 10 years??

While I’m not exactly sure where I’ll be in 10 years, I hope to be making a positive impact on social policy. Aside from professional goals, I want to still be laughing with the amazing friends I’ve made here at UNH Manchester.

Tell us your favorite:

  • Manchester restaurant: The Gyro Spot
  • New Hampshire destination: Canobie Lake Park, I love roller coasters!
  • Vacation destination: My Grandfather’s home on the lake in Erie, New York
  • Movie:?"Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium"
  • Book:?"Travels With Charley" by John Steinbeck

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go??

Les Trois Vallées?in France – I want to try tree skiing there!

As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?

When I was a kid, I really wanted to become a roller coaster operator. I did and still do love the thrill of riding a rollercoaster, back then I couldn’t imagine a better place to work than at an amusement park!

We’d be surprised to know that…

I can sing my alphabet backwards.

If you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt??

I’d want to do a back flip!

If you could go on a road trip with anyone (from the past or present), who would you choose and where would you go??

I would love to drive across the country with my younger brother, Dietrich. We’d have so much fun stopping at state parks, visiting our extended family, and spending time listening to music together.


More than half of our students come from other institutions, so we offer scholarships, resources and academic counseling specific to transfer students.?LEARN More and apply

Kassidy Taylor | Marketing & Communications, UNH Manchester |
In partnership with UNH’s Carsey School of Public Policy, the University of New Hampshire at Manchester has launched a new Bachelor of Arts in Public Service and Nonprofit Leadership.