Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Amelia Keane NH State Seal

At just 25 years old, Amelia Keane is the owner of an inspiring resume. Currently she is concurrently: a full-time student, combat medic in the U.S. Army Reserves, executive director for N.H. Young Democrats, winner of?Stay Work Play New Hampshire's "College Student of the Year"?and the recipient of two esteemed UNH Manchester awards,?“Community Service Leader of the Year” and the “Leaders by Example.”? As if that isn’t enough, she is now looking to add State Representative for Nashua-Ward 4 to her title. But, she doesn’t want her age to be a factor.

“You can make an impact at any age, you don’t have to wait. I want to show young people across the state that you can make a difference,” Keane said. “If it’s not in politics, maybe it’s another issue that they’re passionate about. Get involved, don’t let age deter you.”

Keane is finishing her B.A. in Biological Sciences, with her sights on attending medical school upon graduating in 2017. She plans to pursue an?MD/PhD in Public Health; a discipline that perfectly culminates her passions: medical science, policy?and environmental safety.

In 2012, Keane transferred out of a small liberal arts school in California that?focused on teaching through Buddhist principals.?While it gave her an unparalleled cultural experience (its student body of 400 represented more than 50 countries), she recognized a liberal arts education would not lend itself to a career in the medicine. After transferring to UNH Manchester, Keane enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves as a means of getting into the medical realm and paying for college.

“Part of the reason I joined army reserves and went to UNH Manchester was because they are very veteran friendly," Keane said. "As an older student, I’m taking things more seriously. I’m on this specific path to medical school, so it was important for me to have smaller classes in pursuing my education. I’ve been able to build relationships with professors, they’ve been so helpful with any questions.”

It was actually one of those professors who gave her the number to call to run for New Hampshire?State Representative.

With the transfer to UNH Manchester, Keane got involved with NextGen Climate, an environmental advocacy organization. After dipping her toe into the realm of politics, she was hooked. Keane created the sustainability club Our World,?which streamlined the recycling process on campus.

She realized there was potential to make an impact beyond the UNH Manchester campus. Fellow NextGen members approached Keane about running for State Representative.

“I had never thought about it before, and now would be the only time in my life to pursue it. Everyone was so supportive, including professors," Keane said. "My decision to run meant I could no longer work for NextGen, but that was when Executive Director position at N.H. Young Democrats opened up.”

Of course, never one to sit on her laurels, Keane applied and got the position.

Her campaign for State Representative for Nashua-Ward 4 has focused on key conflicts in New Hampshire: climate preservation, veteran’s issues?and the opioid crisis.

While sleep may not be on the top of her priorities list, Keane is on a mission. Learn more about her campaign here.


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